16: Learning to fly

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Lilly's PoV.:

I didn't want to let go of control. Ever since I learned that I can fight for it my mind just acted on its own. Constantine did warn me that it could happen as I wasn't afraid of the dragon anymore but he also told me that I have to let go if I ever want to be free from the demon. I got tossed out again but not by the demon. I don't know who tossed me out but somehow it also knocked me out. The next time I woke up I was in control of my body. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it is not my body. My sight was twice as good as ever before and I also saw the claws instead of my hands. They were a deep black color that stood out completely against the light blue scales of the rest of my body. My neck was long enough so I could turn my head and see my back. It was completely covered in the same light blue scales. My wings, that were folded near my body had a line of black scales on the bone highlighting it beautifully. I also realized that the black spots I saw when talking to Sylesia were missing. I unfolded my wings feeling every single muscle in it as I did.
"Woah," I said as I felt those muscles indicating how strong the wings are.
"Wonderful isn't it?" I heard Sylesia's voice in my head. It shocked me a little as the only other time I actually heard her was in Gideon's simulation. "Don't worry you'll get used to it," she said
"Wait," I said as I realized something. "Shouldn't you be in control of this body?" I asked loudly not caring whether anyone hears me or not.
"No," she answered. "It works like this" her voice in my head was calming. At that moment John made his presence known by saying:
"Yeah, yeah real nice but we should be getting back and a dragon can not fit on the Waverider." He opened the door of the mansion we were in. I turned back to human-form which was easier than I expected and looked at Constantine.
"If you don't mind I would like to bond a little with Sylesia," I said. "You can go if you want but after twenty years I think we will need a little alone time" With that I walked out of the house and started to walk.

I was enjoying the scenery as my eyes ears and nose picked up on things they never did before. I felt every flower, every human that walked there in the past ten years and every animal as well. Also, I heard the birds from an incredible distance and sometimes I picked up on the sound and scent of squirrels running on the trees. I walked a half-hour like this uninterrupted.
"You enjoy it?" Sylesia asked me.
"No, I just like to walk," I said sarcastically. "Of course I enjoy it silly." Right after I said the word silly I realized how good of a nickname that would be.
"Come on," Silly said. "Seriously? Didn't you have anything better in mind?" At first, I didn't understand what she meant then a thought crossed my mind worst nickname ever. It wasn't my thought.
"You hear my thoughts and I hear yours" Silly explained. I felt like I should have realized that but then I saw memories of people not realizing it. It gave me comfort that no one realized it by themselves. It still felt weird to have two minds but I heard Silly again stating I'll get used to it.
"So if I'm in charge then why do you even bother choosing a host?" I asked.
"Well, it is complicated. First of all, it is kind of an instinct for me and second I need the company as every single dragon was killed a long time ago. I also make a deep connection to every host and it feels good to have a friend."
"Can you leave my body?" I asked the next question sitting down on a tree trunk.
"Yes, but it means you can't shapeshift until I return so most of my hosts preferred this setup," Silly answered. I then felt a pull and soon saw Sylesia beside me. "See?" she said turning to me.
"Wow" that was all I could say. She was beautiful. When this thought crossed my mind she lifted her head slightly. "So we still hear each other's thoughts?" I asked.
"Yes," she said without opening her mouth. "We can also talk telepathically which is a really useful thing during a battle," she was still talking in my mind, telepathically. I tried.
"So you can hear what I ask now?" It was quite easy as she already heard my thoughts.
"Yes," she answered before somehow getting back into my body. "Now how about a little flying lesson?" she asked.

I let her form overtake mine. It was the usual burning sensation first in my veins than on my skin. I soon stood higher. I unfolded my wings carefully and a little anxious.
"Don't worry it is easier for you than it was for me as you have my memories" she whispered in my mind. I beat my wings down while jumping a little. I fell back and I heard Sylesia chuckle a little in my head. I rolled my eyes and tried again. This time I looked at a memory of Sylesia first. I jumped and beat my wings as hard as I could. After that, I pulled them back up as fast as I could and beat them down again. A new memory crossed my mind. I followed the "instructions" and straightened my body. Instead of pulling my wings fully up, I stopped them halfway and spread them out. The two beats took me way above the trees so I decided to glide a little. I had to focus hard so that my body would stay straight. Another memory showed me that with a smaller beat I could help my body stay up but it wouldn't bring me much higher. I did a slight beat to push myself back a little then decided to turn right. I lifted up my left-wing slightly so the wind could catch into it. Unfortunately, I let it too high, and instead of turning, I managed to roll in the air. Sylesia chuckled again.
"Pull your neck backward and turn in front of the air with your whole body," she said when I finally managed to straighten my body out. I followed her instructions and took a sharp right turn. Maybe a little too sharp but at least I succeeded. I practiced turning for the next fifteen minutes and by then I completely exhausted myself. I glided towards the ground and when I was close enough I reached forward with my legs and grabbed the dirt with my claws. I turned completely around but stayed standing.

After that, I turned back to my human form and called Sara through the comm device I had with me. Soon the Waverider appeared in the sky and landed beside me. I boarded the ship and met up with the Legends. They all hugged me as if I was part of their little family. Well, all of them except for Mick.
"Come on Lilly I want to talk to you," Sara said and started walking. I followed her to the bridge. No one was there just the two of us.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join us for more missions than just this Cornsen deal" she started. She surprised me, to tell the truth, but when she asked me I finally understood why Gideon played that little simulation. I felt useless with my powers being a threat but after finally being free I could let go of that feeling.
"I would be honored" I started. "But are you sure I'm cut out to be a Legend? I barely fit in as it is but into a time-traveling group?" IEas still concerned.
"Good thing we all are misfits here," Sara said. "Don't worry you'll fit right in. Just think about it." I went home to talk to my sister though I already knew my answer.

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