04| Lingering thoughts.

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August/ 29/ 19:00. Tehraraz
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"الموت يتبعك. لا يمكنك الهروب منه. مهما حاولت أن تتجنبه ، سيصطادك عاجلاً أم آجلاً." ۔
"Death is following you. You cannot run away from it. However hard you may try to avoid it, it is going to catch you sooner or later.

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August/29/ 19:00. Tehraraz

He sat nonchalantly on a velvet red couch, while he smoked shisha through a golden pipe and released the smoke towards the ceiling . He took a look at me with his dark grey eyes. His white hair perfectly-layered fell back right on its place, framing his olive face as he tensed his jaw at my sight. My white buttoned shirt clung my body with faint white splotches on it.

"You are rather silent and bothersome Ya Arsalan" Baba spoke bashfully, speculating the deed I might have committed.

"Baba I couldn't accomplish the work I was assigned for the day." I spoke with my head hung low.

"I'm sure you didn't anticipate that" I nodded and sat on the rug placing my daggers and pistol on the side. Baba lightly stroked my head and began to read a few quranic verses under his breath. I closed my eyes reminiscing the arduous event that took place. A man so well trained like me could not resist the tempting glimpse of the beautiful woman.

"Arsalan, my child, It is Allah who decides the victory of a human and neither you nor me can sustain the power to change it, and as mere humans we should learn to be happy with what we have and work harder for what we want." At the rip at age of five when I learned to raise my first sword, darted my first bullet, or rode my first horse, Baba first made my learn the words Allah and commence my task.

" يبقي قلبك راضيا. حافظ على الإيمان مشتعلا في قلبك حتى في أحلك اللحظات."
He spoke in his thick Arabic accent.
( Keep your heart satisfied. Keep faith burning in your heart, even in the darkest moments.)

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