12 | Resilience

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September/ 20 / 20.00 . Muzatin
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لا تشرِق الرُوح إلا مِن دُجى ألمٍ
و هل تُزهِر الأرضُ إلا إن بَكى المطرُ؟
The soul shines only in the darkness of pain.
So does the earth bloom with the tears of the rain?

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September/ 20 / 20.00 . Muzatin.

A dark inky night canvased the sky of Muzatin with incalculable stars that beamed in the sky by the beautiful moon. The call of prayer was held in a mosque far away from my residence, nevertheless the voice rang clearly into my ears. The place covered with nothing but heaps of sand with very less amount of inheritance a few miles away. Not many of my peers know about this possession of mine which was located in the heart of barren desserts. 

My feet ambled towards the doors of the chamber. The whole structure of of this residence interpreted ancient Moroccan interior. The windows were wide open, to allow the air exchange into the house. A few helpers who guarded this place warmly smiled and welcomed their keeper's presence. Although, my eyes foraging for the one soul I have ascended for. Tonight i wish to clear the hue of questions clouding and fogging my brain.

Umran stood by the middle of the foyer waiting for my presence, as she was informed earlier of my arrival. The old woman smiled cheerfully with her plum cheeks, like she always does.

"Hope you had a pleasant journey, We are delighted to have you here tonight" 

"Shukran" After a few dreadful seconds of waiting her to speak, I decided to ask her myself. 

"May I know where Manha is residing" She blinked her, eyes wide open. 

"Umm, She is sleeping currently. I don't think she got ample amount of sleep since a few day, as she suffers with nightmares during nights. Hence I decided to not disturb her slumber. However, I can ask for her presence if you want me to." She inquired.

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