13| Apricity

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November/ 21 / 12:00. Muzatin
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Apricity: the warmth of the sun.

Apricity: the warmth of the sun

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على الرغم من أن روحي قد بحثت عنك ، تتجاوز قدراتها لسنوات عديدة۔
It was though my soul has searched for you, beyond it's capacities for many years.

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November/ 21 / 1200. Muzatin

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Confusion knocked my door restlessly, my mind only rose with questions that surfaced the water of pity. The throbbing and pounding of my head resulted into a severe headache. My heart yearned for harmony, I could feel innumerable pieces of my broke heart. 

My eyes focused on the blades of the ceiling fan, optimizing my lens to the bright day light entering through the blinds. I tried to focus on anything to forget the churning inside my stomach, Nausea made everything even worse. The pain of a broken rib was better than nausea building up in the pit of my stomach.

My blurry vision captured a woman standing near by. A moment later my eyes recognized her, Ramha stood searching the medicine kit placed on the night stand, vigorously. "I can't find the dihydro-codeine tablets, Umran could you fetch me those, please." Her voice rang dangerously into my ears.

"Ahh Binty you are awake" The old woman rushed towards my form in excitement, her eyes popped out, with a ear to ear smile on her face. However I clutched my head within my palms securely, as all the voices rung furiously into my ears befouling my sanity.

"Its all good Manha, release your head gently" Rahma's hushed in whispered, caressing my head. The storm in the back of my head diffused with time, the two women patiently held back, and ceased for a moment, for me to come back into their world. 

"Don't fret, nothing severe took place. You experienced internal bleeding and therefore you passed out, lately everything is in control. No severe damage occurred. It's coherent when your body undergoes rejuvenation. It's nothing you should stress about." Rahma spoke now in a crisp and glacial voice adjoining reassurance and comfort. 

"I feel better" I nodded my head along, reciprocating the convocation. Rahma exchanged a warm smile sitting along the corner of the mattress, her smile seemed indecent and with mischief. 

Rahma hummed along "Manha tell me how you feel, do u experience any kind of pain internally or externally" She signalized Umran to fetch the doctor's kit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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