09| Avaricious

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September/ 16 / 20.00. Tehraraz


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في  بعض  الأحيان  يضعك  الله  في  الظلام  حتى تتمكن  من  رؤية  أي صديق  يلمع  لك  حقًا  مثل النجوم"۔
Sometimes Allah puts you in darkness so you could see which friend truly shine for you like stars

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September/ 16 / 20.00. Tehraraz

The night came rushing on the pane of AL Marri manor, canvasing the sky with darkness and knocking inside with miseries and mishap all over.

My eyes couldn't leave Zulfiqar alone even for a while, my younger sibling flared his nostrils bitterly, barely constraining his feet to restrain from breaking the rules. Accompanying him sat Rahma with a furated  face and fire like anger in her eyes. After all they belonged to the most courageous tribe, Dominance and toughness ran through our blood line. The storm that calmed beneath them was extermely destructive and harmful.  

Loud agreements between the leading men could be heard efficiently in every corner of the manor. Uncle Sayed returned from his long voyage after a month and baba didn't think once before pounding over him with anguish and anger. Abbu profoundly accompanied him and made sure to accomplish his duties as the perfect son he is.

"Brother for all I doesn't care. I would dare say he wants nothing, but me dead." Rahma spoke furiously referring to all her irrationalities with her father. Aggression rushed forth her as she stomped her feet after me.

"Rahma, Calm down. After all he is your father, and we are not supposed to intervene until we are asked to, understand" Anger is not a good trace of a succesful human being, and I suggest people not posses such an emotion. 

"Zaad if he speaks anything about Khallil or Bakhtiyar's, I swear I will not think twice" Qari spoke disregarded of the surroundings. 

 "Sabarni Ya rab, Why don't you guys just calm down and let the elders of the household resolve this error. Because you people have not accessed to fair amount of knowledge. Hama relax, he can't force you, we are alive to protect you from such evil acts."  I declared 

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