05| Glimpse

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September / 10 / 14:00. DHIFAL
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Glimpse - A short experience of something that helps you understand it

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‏‏لا يهمني ‏ان أخسر من لا يريدني ‏قد خسرت من اردتهم .. ولا زلت حياً"

"I do not care if I lose those who do not want me. I have lost those who wanted me  .. and I am still alive "

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September/ 10 / 14:00. DHIFAL

"Write as if your soul and your pen is bleeding on the plain paper after you."

Professor Itzan's heavy accent flowed in his voice, echoing across the large lecture room. That filled with utter silence, of course there were light whispers and sniffling sounds heard here and there.

The professor was definitely very talented, yet I couldn't resist myself from baffling over the ancient scriptures hung on the walls. They were the master pieces and verses of great book written in early 1500's. My mind drifted from one topic to another when I still tried to focus on what he spoke.

"It isn't about how well you can write, Its is about how well you can tell your story through words." Loud claps filled in the lecture room making me flinch, as Professor Itzan commenced his lecture.

I felt my mind drifting from the professor as I swallowed hard, again recollecting the incident that took place a few days ago. Brushing all the thoughts away I closed my eyes and exhaled hardly. However hard I try, I don't seem to forget a pair of dark grey eyes that haunted my nights. 

Glancing over my shoulders I gazed my worried friend Maryam. She had furrowed eyebrows and a questing look on her face. The sounds of bags zipping and a loud chatter filled the room as Professor dismissed the class. 

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