Chapter 5: The Boys Are Here

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Song quote: Drugs
So, you say you're moving out of state
Soon as you graduate, interesting
Anyway, you're leaving need a hug? Okay then
Call me up, no thanks, man
I'm too busy, don't have time for
Things you say that aren't important
Where's the bathroom at?
Leave me alone

Third Person's Pov:

Jack and some other guys were riding on motorcycles, making their way to the underpass where Ben and Alex were. All they had to do was just wait before running into them and dragging Ben's ass all the way to Yoosun.

School ended at 4 PM for Eunjang. It was already 3 PM when Jack and the others were making their way to the underpass.

'Ben Park.'

Meanwhile with Ben and Alex

The bell chimed as the door opened, letting the staff know that someone has entered the establishment.

"It's empty?" Ben asked a loud as he entered with Alex following from behind, both looking around and seeing that no one was in the pool hall, including the part timer they were looking forward to see. The hot part timer was the main reason why they skipped the last class just to come to the pool hall after all.



"Were they just messing with me?" They both sweared in anger and confusion to see that no one was in the building, including the rumored part timer.

"Messing with you?" A sliding door opens, revealing a female with dark purple hair and dark purple eyes "Welcome-" she greets the both of them as Ben's heart starts to melt once he saw the part timer, a visible blush appeared on his face as well as once he saw the part timer.

For Alex, his face did heat up quite a bit, but in his opinion, he saw better.

"The owner is out at the moment. What drinks can I get you two?" She asked as the two of them went to an empty pool table and quickly grabbed two cues from the side, going in different poses to impress the hot part timer.

"We'll be playing three-ball and I'll have a coffee for my drink." Ben answered with a manly tone as he held his cue in his hand, chalking it up as there were sparkles in his eyes.

"Me too." Alex added on as he sat on the corner of the table with the cue behind him, trying his best to look cool as possible.

"Sure thing-" She replied as she ran a hand through her hair before turning to the coffee machine and getting two cups.

"Two coffees then." She commented as she started to make their coffees, filling the cups up with hot water.

"BOOM, JACKPOT!" Ben exclaimed as he placed his cue down and went over to Alex, shaking him back and forth.

"She is really pretty, but I've seen better." Alex admitted as Ben stopped shaking him and gave him a smirk.

"You're thinking about that girl with glasses, huh?"



Your Pov:

You were half-asleep. Even though you were a person who tends to study most of the time, this subject wasn't your best subject.

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