Chapter Eleven

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They jumped underground and entered the city of the dead. Becca shone light on the mirrors and all of a sudden they lit up the room. " Hey look for bugs, I hate bugs" Ibrahim shouted. " Do you realise that nobody has been here for more than three thousand years?" Becca stated. " Well let's just find what we are looking for and get the hell out of here please" James pleaded.

James P.O.V

Everywhere we walked there was some sort of bug or snake. Obviously we didn't know what we were doing but we continued exploring the passage ways hoping we would at least find something of value. It was quite eerie and there seemed to be strange noises. In my opinion it sounded almost like the scattering of bugs but in Becca's opinion it sounded like spirits or ghosts which is absolutely ridiculous there is no such thing as ghosts. In my parents own words " Rebecca is not much of a realist. She lives in her own fantasy world and believes in the most ridiculous things sometimes. " It sounded like bugs to me" Jac whispered. " What do you mean by bugs? I HATE bugs" Ibrahim remarked terrified out of his wits at the thought of there being bugs. Now I'm no fan of bugs myself but there could be worse things we could come across. Back home in Canada I was a risk analyst but switched professions to archeologist my real passion. Before going on this trip I made a list of possible dangers on the trip obviously they were all reasonable and not off the wall like my sisters list. It's ridiculous that she put down a mummy sure the dead can't suddenly come back to life it's impossible right?                    

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