Chapter 1

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(Eren's POV)

I was walking down the halls of my favorite place on earth; Maria Rose High. Of course, the main reason I liked the school so much is the fact that I was the most popular person in it. Every day, I had a pack of girls following me everywhere I went. Well, that did get annoying sometimes, but at least I had no real enemies. There was not a single guy in the entire school that wasn't jealous of my popularity.

Well, there is one...

Being a senior, that meant I had plenty of time for plenty of girls to confess their feelings for me. The concept wasn't all that surprising considering I had the looks of a god. At least, according to those who'd confessed to me. What was the strangest to me was that I've had a few men say they liked me. I wasn't sure if they were gay, bisexual, or whatever else, but I was surprised nonetheless. I'd never sat down and actually thought about my sexual orientation, but I was certain I was straight.

As I walked down the hall, absorbed in my reminiscing thoughts, I failed to notice the fact that the girls that usually stalked me on my journey to my first period were a larger distance behind me than usual. What I did notice was Armin, just down the hall. I called out to him to get his attention, and when he looked up and saw me, he smiled wide and ran in my direction.

"Hey, Eren! It's been awhile, hasn't it? How are you?

I shrugged as I replied, not really knowing what else to do. Nothing had changed; everyone was still in love with me, my classes stayed the same, and I didn't have any new friends, let alone new enemies. It was hard enough to find people that didn't like me, I kind of relished it when people didn't adore me.

"Well... not too bad, I guess. How about you?"

Before he answered, a small smirk curled my lip upward, and I lightly nudged his shoulder. I could tell by the look on his face that he already knew what I was going to ask him about.

"Any lady friends yet?"

He laughed his ass off, which attracted the attention of a few other people in the hall, but I knew well he didn't really care. I also now knew that I was right in my assumption.

"You know I haven't! You've taken them all! I can seem to find anyone here who doesn't absolutely adore you! You'd think being the popular guy's friend would score me a lady or two, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

When he said that, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. I didn't like it when my popularity was a problem for my friends. I couldn't help but feel like if it got in the way of what few true friendships I have, we would drift apart and eventually never speak again. There was no way I was going to let that happen.

"Sorry... it's not like I'm trying to steal them away from anyone. They just gravitate toward me. I wish they would leave me alone sometimes, to be honest..."

Before Armin could respond, the warning bell for first period rang. I smiled sadly at the blonde, because he and I both knew what would happen if I stayed.

"Guess I have to go. I can't be late to Pre-Calc again!"

I dashed off to Mrs. Corell's room, my Pre-Calculus teacher. My legs carried me faster than normal, but I was thankful; I was always late to her class because it was first thing in the morning. I never was a morning person, and so my first class was always my worst. I was just glad I woke up early that morning rather than late.

Just as I finally made it in the classroom and in my seat, the tardy bell rang. I sank into my chair and let out a relieved sigh. My classmates looked at me in awe. The teacher did too, I could see amazement in her eyes. Of course, that was likely over exaggeration, but she did seem impressed.

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