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Warning: this chapter contains material that may be triggering to some readers. Please be cautioned.

(Eren's POV)

I ran home as fast as I could. I could hear Levi calling me. "Eren, wait! Eren!" But I couldn't stay near him. He was so much like my ex boyfriend... The one who betrayed me...

I couldn't take this. I remembered how he betrayed me so long ago.

It seemed as if he ripped my heart out and gave it to someone else. It felt truly and utterly horrible.

When I finally got home, I went inside and ran to my room. I jumped on my bed and began to sob uncontrollably. I had been so strong for three years, and I thought I could finally forget him.

But then Levi saved me.

He was beautiful, and he reminded me of my ex. He was an ass, and he reminded me of my ex. He ran away, and he reminded me of my ex. He embraced me, and he reminded me of my ex.

But I can't bear the thought of him hurting me like my ex hurt me... I didn't want to be hurt anymore...

I lifted my head from my tearstained pillow and stared down at it in dismay. I felt so weak, so stupid...

It was hard to lug myself out of my bed and into the kitchen. I looked at the table, and remembered how me and my ex would sit and eat together after cooking for him.

It was truly heart-wrenching.

He hurt me so badly. Why? Did he lose interest in me? I have no idea, but whatever his reason, why do I feel so damn upset? It was all his fault. He didn't even bother trying to find me or apologize. But yet here I am, crying my heart out over his mistake.

But then again, what if it was my fault? What if he wanted something from me, but I never gave it to him?

Damnit... He wouldn't leave me without a reason... Why didn't I notice sooner...?

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore.

I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. It felt secure in that small space, even if I was claustrophobic.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pocket knife I've always kept on me. Even after 5 years, I still kept that thing with me everywhere I went, even if weapons weren't allowed in school.

Memories of the past flooded my mind, and I began to tremble. My ex and that man, me running away, cutting, staying in the hospital, never seeing him again.. All of it rushed back to me at once.

At that point, I couldn't handle it. I slowly put the knife to my wrist.

Was I mentally prepared to go back to cutting, just over someone who reminded me of my ex?

I am. I'll never truly forget about him, because right now it seems the forces from above don't want me to forget. They want me to suffer, and this is perfect.

I was just about to drag the blade over my tan skin when I heard a loud banging down the hall. What was that? Ugh, so cliché. It was like someone caught on to me. Whatever, I didn't care.

I pressed the blade to my skin, and I heard the noise again. I started to silently cry, wishing whoever it was would go away. I didn't have time for this right now.

Then the door slammed open. What the Hell?! How did they get in?!

Then they came to the bathroom in a second, like thy knew where it was. Could they have really picked it at random? I didn't dare to move, afraid to even breathe to loudly for fear of them catching wind of my presence.

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