Just In The Nick Of Time

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'Damnit! I have to get to Eren!'

I was scared. Not for myself, but for Eren. His life depended on me at this point, and I only have ten minutes to save him. I've been on the road for less than five minutes and I'm already close to having genuine panic attack.

I was nowhere near the road to the warehouse, and I had to be there in ten meesly minutes. It's not enough time.

I'm not going to make it, am I?

I decided I would keep going, despite how grim the situation was. I couldn't just ignore the wish and have them kill-

Wait. Are they really going to kill him? Erwin's made jokes about killing people in the past, how do I know this isn't jus some bluff? How do I know Eren is really in danger?

If so, how come I so quickly assumed Eren was taken by Erwin and the other two and is in serious danger?

Damnit, did I just fall into another shitty trick?!

Whatever. I'm done. I'm so fucking done. I'm just going to go home, make some Chai tea with ginger, fall asleep, and wake up th next day, realizing this is all a dream. No, more like a nightmare. This is my worst nightmare. But I'm just aware of it.

I must be dreaming. Right? I want to believe I'm dreaming, that I'm in my bed, or even Eren's bed, and that he'll wake me up in the morning with that adorable smile.

I stayed silent as I drove past a strange road without a road sign. But as I caught a glance down that road I passed, I saw a large shadow.

What was it?

I went stopped the car and turned around, thankful there were no cars on this road, and parked my car right in front of that pass. I rolled down my window and squinted my eyes at the shadow, trying to identify it.

It soon it came into better focus. And I could not believe my eyes.

It was the damn warehouse. The one Erwin was supposedly holding Eren inside of.

I had just determined this is all a dream, so why am I so tempted to go down and check it out? I mean, I was so sure of myself a minute ago! Why did it change all because of some warehouse?

It had to be Eren... the fact that it's Eren, the fact that he may or may not be in danger, the fact that I really am not sure if this is real, the fact that I love him. Because it's Eren, I feel the need to save him. But how can I do that? I realized I don't have the money required to pay Erwin if his note was real.

He'll take me if I don't have the money. I could fight him, but Hanji and Petra are on his side. It's three against one, and I can't beat Erwin alone, let alone the three of them. Such an advantage in unfair... but what if I had Eren help me? Hell, he probably doesn't know any type of fighting.

Am I willing to risk my life and Eren's just to save that brat?

Yes. I am.

Without another moment of hesitation, I took my car and sped down the darkened road, approaching the large warehouse. Even though my heart pounded, I was ready. I took a look at my watch and only drove faster when I saw it was 9:57. Three minutes is all I have left to save the love of my life, if this is some kind of living Hell.

When I finally reached the entrance, I had a plan. It wasn't a good one, probably the most wreched thing I'll ever do. But if I can't do this, I can't save Eren. Looking at my clock, my heart nearly stopped when it read 9:59.

Sixty seconds.

I walked over to the entrace, carrying a messenger bag.

Forty-nine seconds.

Chance EncounterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora