Cutie Boy

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(Levi's POV)

I was walking down the hallway during grace period to go to the World History department to see Mrs. Tracy so she could help me with my homework. I went to her class every grace period, I was falling behind significantly.

History was never my good subject and I usually fail the class. I failed last year, so that's the only reason I have World History my senior year.

I'm just glad the teacher here hasn't given up on me like the others did. They simply didn't give a single fuck as to what my grades were. Well, they didn't care about anyone's grades, but that's besides the point.

As I walked in, she wore a really big smile and was bouncing on her heels a bit. I thought to myself 'What's she so happy about? Maybe something happened to her.'

I walked over to her and she took a deep breath. I think she was trying to contain her excitement. After a second she finally said "Levi, I have wonderful news! Care to hear it?"

I don't think it would have mattered what I said, she was planning on telling me anyway, so I just nodded my head yes. She gave me what looked like a report card and said, "You're passing the class! You're now the top student thanks to your dedication!"

I was stunned. I looked over all of the assignments that I had to make up and extra ones I had to do, and sure enough, when I looked at my final grade, I saw a 98%.

No way! I'm top in the class? But how? Either way, I'm so glad I'm not failing!

She noticed my apparent shock and said, "You've been advancing quickly ever since you started, but I wanted to keep it a secret so I could surprise you when you came out on top!"

I smiled. I'm so thankful for Mrs. Tracy. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Tracy. I couldn't have done this without you." She sighed unexpectedly. "Good grief Levi, you're so polite to teachers and staff, yet you act so coldly toward your peers. Why is that?"

I froze. I can't tell her the reason. It's something I've kept to myself for a long time. I can't tell a teacher, let alone a peer.

"O-oh, you must be mistaken. I try to treat everyone fairly. Any mistreatment is purely accidental." She opened her mouth to reply, but suddenly the door flew open, and I saw a blonde girl about my height standing in the doorway. He looked scared to death, and he was practically shaking in his shoes.

"L-L-Levi, i-it's Erwin! He's h-hurting people a-again!"

I instantly began to panic. He was one of the few people who I couldn't put up a good fight with, and if I can't, no one can.

"What's the problem?" I half asked, half yelled.

"He's drowning E-Eren...! We have to hurry!"

My eyes widened.

The popular kid. 

He was being hurt by Erwin? That bastard! I won't forgive him!

I can't forgive him!

I bolted past the girl, out the door, and to the swimming pool. I can't let him hurt anyone anymore. Only few deserve pain, and Eren isn't one of them. But while I was dashing toward Eren and Erwin, I started thinking about something that hasn't occured to me in a while.

Was I going to stop Erwin, or... to help Eren? It seems like a stupid question, but I was kind of looking forward to getting to see Eren... wait, what am I thinking?! Ugh, I need to hurry!

When I made it to the pool, I saw everyone screaming and freaking out, but Erwin was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw it. I saw Erwin smirking, ear to ear, and when I looked in the pool, I saw Eren, his eyes barely open. Then they closed.

'Oh God, was I too late?'

Those were the only words running through my mind, but my body was already a step ahead. I dived into the water and rushed down to Eren at the bottom of the pool as fast as I could.

But damn, this water is freezing cold! What was this boy thinking?!

When I got to him, I took his hand and pulled his body to mine. He had beautiful brown hair and nice features, and he was noticebly taller than me.

Wow, I never knew he was so cute!

Even I'll admit, he was gorgeous.

How could one boy be so adorable? I snapped out of my trance and pulled him to the surface. He was heavy! But that didn't matter. I lugged him up the pool stairs and laid him on the ground.

He was unconscious.

I put my hand to his mouth and my head to his heart. His heart was still beating, but he wasn't breathing. He probably sucked up a great deal of water, so I sat him upright and got behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Damn, Why must I do things like this?

I started giving him CPR. Only then did I realize there was a crowd of people surrounding us. I glared at them and yelled

"I can't concentrate with you all staring at me! If you want me to save him, go elsewhere!"

They all look frightened and left the pool area, which relieved me.

Thank God they're gone, I felt like I held this boy's life in my hands;


Just then, out of the blue, his eyes flashed open and he jolted up, coughing and hacking with water spilling out of his mouth.

He was okay.

I saved his life. I was so happy to see he was okay, that he would survive. But for some reason, my happiness snapped when I rememebred the fact that Erwin did this to him. My joy turned to rage in a matter of seconds.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a monotonous voice. I was surprised at my tone. I was just so happy a minute ago!

"Y-yeah, I think so... what happened? And who are you? I don't think I've ever seen you before..."

His voice was sweet and silky, it was beautiful. If only Erwin hadn't tried to drown this poor boy...

"You drowned, you idiot. I was the one who had to save your sorry ass, you shitty brat. And if you really want to know who I am, my name is levi. Don't forget, I'm not telling you again, got it, brat?"

He just snapped and yelled "I'm not an idiot so don't call me that! And I'm not a brat! It's not my fault someone tried to drown me! You didn't have to save me!"

I knew he was bluffing. He was already out when I pulled him to the surface. I guess he relished his pride.

"I wish I would have known so I didn't have to go through the trouble."

This time he was seriously pissed. I'd imagine, I'm being so harsh, but how else can I talk to him? I'm not going to sell myself as a soft boy who craves attention by being heroic. No way in hell am I doing that.

But then, he looked at me and his eyes widened. Oh shit, does he recognize me? But how? But damnit, he's so cute, I just want to embrace him... but I can't do that here! Not now! What if someone sees us?

I quickly stand up and say "Don't drown again, you brat, got that? You're lucky I was the only one with the balls to save your sorry ass." After that, I walked out the door.

But the moment I knew Eren couldn't see me, I bolted.

I ran as fast as I could to the men's bathroom while the halls were empty and put my head against the bathroom wall. I can't believe I was so rude to him... I ran away too...

Have I really grown that fond of him already?

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