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Violence warning. Not too excessive, but there is violence. Please be advised.

(Eren's POV)

They kept me there all day, just sitting there, bonded to the chair I sat in. I was able to socialize a bit, but only my gag was removed. I talked to Petra about many things, and I nearly would forget I was tied to a chair and blindfolded. I never bothered to talk to Erwin or Hanji, they were intimidating and psychotic. But the moment the gag went back on after talking to the sweet girl, reality came and crushed me, reminding me that I was held hostage by some unknown people.

That night, they were shuffling about, and I wondered what they were doing. They could be getting ready for bed, but that brought up the thought 'What am I going to do for sleeping? Will they keep me bonded all night? They couldn't, could they?!'

But what they were doing was nowhere near that.

I felt a strong hand grab my arm and yank me forward, and my senses were immediatley alert. I could tell Erwin was the one grasping my arm, but I couldn't feel any other presences. Just him.

"So, Jeager. I have a game for you. You wanna play?"

I slowly shook my head no. 'What the Hell does he mean by 'a game'?! Why the Hell would he want to play a game with me?! Of course, it's probably no game, he just-'

'Wait. Wait a damn second. Did he just call me 'Jeager'?'

'Since when did I ever tell him my name?!'

I started to freak out a bit, shifting in the chair. He knew my name, but where did he hear it? I never told him, did I? But he seemed to have caught wind to my unease, and he let go of my arm. "What's the matter, Jeager? You don't want to play?" I felt him right up in my face, and he said in a low voice "Well, too fucking bad. You have no say in this."

He soon backed away. Half of me was a bit relieved, the other half was more scared than before. He had misinterpereted my discomfort, thank goodness, but now I have to play his game, which was no game at all, I was sure of it.

I started to conjour up the possibilities of what this little game could be, but my thoughts were soon interrupted when I felt a horrible sting across my face along with the crack of a whip. I whimpered in pain, realizing he whipped me.

"You want to know the name of my little game?" He whipped me again, on my stomach. I lurched forward, cringing, but he continued "It's called 'How many whips can a little brat take?' And yes, it's got a strange name, but that doesn't matter, now does it?" As he finished his sentence, he whipped me once again, on my leg. I winced, my eyes shut tight through the blindfold. I clenched my teeth, trying to cope with the stinging.

"You have no idea-"


"How much-"






"My life-"


"You brat!"

By the time he finished his small sentence, I was hurting all over, nearly every part of my body ached. He didn't whip me that many times, but it hurt like Hell because he swung so hard. It's like he has a knack for this kind of thing!

I whimpered and whined through the gag, wishing I could speak so I could tell him that this is cruel, and that this needs to stop, that I don't deserve this, but the gag prevented me from doing so. I was shaking a bit from the scratches and bruises caused by the whip, and I begged whatever holy force was above to stop this.

But there was no way it would stop. He just said "You little bastard." And continued whipping me, and didn't stop doing so for what felt like an eternity, but at one point it finally did stop, despite my earlier statement. I was bloodied and bruised, and I didn't know if it was the blindfold or blood in my eyes that was preventing me from seeing, but I was all the more thankful that I was no longer being tortured.

I heard him mumble "My arm's tired now..." Then he said to me "You brat, I'm letting you go easy for tonight. It's already midnight. Fall asleep soon, or else you'll sleep through the best part of the show." There was a small silence, but then...

"But it all depends on Levi."

(Levi's POV)

Shit, why does this have to be so hard on me?! Why in all Hell does my car have to break down now?!

I was stranded on the side of the road at 8:00 PM, the day I have to take Eren back. But life just loves to kick me in the ass, and so my engine overheated, and now it won't restart! Damnit, what the fuck?!

I grunted as I saw over fifty cars drive by and never stop to help me. I mean, good God, why the Hell can't I get some damn help when I fucking need it?! I swear, these fucktards are going to get it someday.

I tried cooling down my engine, but without any way to do that, I just looked like a damn fool. I check if there was something else causing all of the trouble, but to no avail. I know very little about mechanics.

But around 9:28, a silver corvet pulled over, right next to my car. I sighed in relief. Hopefully this person knows his or her way around an overheated engine.

When the car door opened, I saw a strange woman step out, wearing a blue dress and black flats. She had ebony hair and pale skin, but she wasn't ugly. She smiled at me and walked over. "I see you're having trouble with your car?"

I nodded and said "My engine. I think it's overheated, but I can't fix it. As far as I'm concerned, there's no other possibility." She walked over to the lifted hood of my car and inspected the engine. To my surprise, she quickly found what was really wrong with my engine. "It seems you have a worn out timing cord. Without it, your car won't function properly. Would you like me to replace it for you?"

I nodded once again, and she went back to her car to retrieve whatever a timing cord was from it.

She hadn't worked long, but she made it work. She had fully replaced the timing cord in my car and soon enough I heard my engine rev.

"Thanks for fixing my car up. If you don't mind, I'll be on my way." She smiled and said "No problem. Hope you get to wherever you're headed safely." And with that, she climbed back into her car and drove off. I glanced at my watch and nearly fainted when I saw the time.

9:48 PM.

Apparently I was wrong when I said she didn't take too long!

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