The Chase

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(Eren's POV)

I tossed and turned in my bed, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Levi, and how I met him the way I did.

He saved my life.

And he was so cold.

I laughed to myself quietly, knowing that was expected of someone like Levi. He never showed anyone his true feelings unless it was me. I felt so happy around him, like I get my own ray of sunshine.

I was pulled out of my daydream and back to the real world when I realized what time it was.

9:52 PM.

(Levi's POV)

9:52 PM.

It was seriously getting late now, but I wondered if I could ever fall asleep. I was already starting to miss Eren, as crazy as that may sound. But after all, who wouldn't miss that adorable smile an that beautiful face? No wonder he was so popular in school.

Hey, he's popular. News spreads fast in our school, despite it stretching to three buildings. I wonder how this incident will affect him...

Oh shit, I hope I don't cause his popularity to plummet because of my act!

I soon began to think of all of the ways the situation could play out, and every time his face flashed into my mind, I missed him more. I really can't live without him now, can I? I've grown so attached to him in a single day...

That's it, I have to text him. I can't get him off of my mind, so what else can I do?

I reached into my back pocket to get my phone, but I only pulled out empty hands. That's weird. I thought I brought my phone to Eren's house with me.

Shit! I did!

Damnit, did I leave it there? No, I only took it out once, and that was to get his new number. I put it back in my pocket after that, and I remember having it on the way home. Oh shit, what if I dropped it?! I have to get it back!

(Eren's POV)

The cold air stung my face and hands as I ran down the road. I hadn't heard from Levi for over an hour, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I had to make sure he was okay.

Call me attached, call me crazy, I don't care. I have to know if he got home.

I was surprised it was so cold out. It was only the beginning of fall, an yet it feels like the middle of winter. Even for night, this was insane.

I stopped and took a breath after about 7 minutes of running. I had a lot of energy, but the cold dwindled it significantly.

As I sucked in and blew out the chilling air, I listened. I don't know what for. I could hear many things.

The wind blowing.

The animals scurrying.

The birds flying away.


I heard them. Those footsteps were somewhere, but where was my question. I scanned the area, looking and listening for any sign of location or recognition.

But to no avail.

I was starting to get scared, and all I wanted was to get to Levi. I'd already sent him many messages, but there was never a reply. That was one of the reasons I was worried.

I had finally regained my energy, and so I bolted down the road. This was creeping me out so bad, I just wanted to get to Levi!

But they followed. I could hear them trailing me. At least I know where they are, but I just hope I can outrun them.

Then I heard more. More set of footsteps was on either of my sides. But I couldn't see them, they were hiding. What was this?!

I ran faster, and they kept up the pace. I was scared, more than anything. Someone, help me!

I could see it now. Levi's roof. Thank God, I'm here! But I'm not safe yet.

I looked to my sides and saw nothing once again, but the footsteps persisted. Okay, I'm freaking out now. Are there people there, or is my mind playing tricks on me?!

Then, I got closer to the house. Oh God, will I make it?

I had almost forgotten about the footsteps behind me until they got closer, steadily creeping up behind me. Shit! These guys had a lot of speed for running so long!

Then I tripped. Shit, why now?!

But I didn't trip of my own feet, or on the road.

No, I was tripped. By those same footsteps who followed me here.

As I turned on my back, I saw three people in black coats standing around me.

Oh no... Shit... Shit...!!

I was terrified. I had almost made it to Levi's house, it was in my view. I could see the front door, and yet I was here...

One of the three kneeled down to me and ran their hand through my hair, and I began to shake. I could feel the fabric of the black glove they wore. I looked up into the hood, but I saw nothing.

Just an empty, black space.

Who are these people?!

The biggest of the three cloaked people grabbed me by my shirt and brought me to his faceless hood. They growled at me, low and menacing. I began to shake more violently, but I tried to my best to stop. What would they do if they saw me trembling like a lost kit?

I was so scared. My eyes were wide, I was shaking, and I could feel tears beginning to form. The cold air made my eyes sting, and the tears forming made it worse. But I knew to stay silent.

The man said "Oh, so you know how this works, eh? Good. Then you know what's gonna happen next." He leaned closer to my face, and I could almost feel his breaths hitting my cheek.

"Kid, I'm your worst fucking nightmare."

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