Where Am I?

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(Eren's POV)

All is dark. I can't see anything. I don't know where I am.

Wait... I can feel a slight vibration underneath me. Where is it coming from? No, wait, it's more than a vibration. It feels like... A car... Going along a bumpy trail...

That was it. I was in a car. I tried to move, but my arms and legs were bound. By what? Rope? No, they're cold, slim. They must be chains.

I looked around, only to see darkness. I could see nothing, nor could I hear a sound. It was like I was asleep, but in full reality.

Wait, I feel something on my face... What material is this? Fabric? Am I blindfolded? That would explain the darkness. I knew well that my eyes were wide open, darting from spot to spot.

The texture beneath me did not feel like a car, though. They felt like something other than car seats. They felt almost carpeted, like an extremity thin layer of carped was covering metal. This has to be a trunk. That would explain the silence.

How did I get myself into this situation? My head hurts, and I can't even remember when I regained consciousness, or if I never lost it. My head simply feels fuzzy.

I turned to the side, thankful the only things I couldn't move were my limbs, and put my ear against the seemingly carpeted surface. I had no idea what I was listening for, or even what I was doing in general.

Then I heard it. A slight voice. I leaned to the left and put my ear against the side of the trunk. I listened hard, straining my ears to pick up as much sound as they possibly could.

I started to hear multiple voices, but barely indistinguishable, only vibrations. But they were voices. And I could pick up some of their words.

"...to do with this kid? I mean, we........why you wanted to, so I..."

"If you'd listen......that we..... warehouse at that.."

"Yes! I haven't been there in a while! Maybe....... get in, we..... We got him running!"

A fragile voice.

A deep voice.

A bubbly voice.

Who were these people? And what were they talking about when they said 'warehouse'? Damn, I have no idea... I'm so confused, and I just want to get out of here... I would scream, but I've been gagged. It felt like a leather strap attached to a plastic ball, of course, the ball was what was in my mouth gagging me in the first place. I could feel saliva moistening the ball, and it was almost to the point of escaping my mouth.

"Ha! Levi won't know what to-"

"Keep your mouth shut, foureyes! He may.....so we have to... we get there, okay?"

My heart stopped. Levi? They knew Levi? Wait, does he know where I am?! Oh no, what if he doesn't?! I tried to text him before i left the house, but he never got those, did he? Did he make it home safe?

My mind was whirling, spinning with the possible outcomes to this crappy situation. But in the midst of my worry, the slight rumbling beneath me stopped. We had stopped. Where they planning on taking me somewhere? And if so, where? Do they know I'm awake? Shit, maybe I should pretend I'm still unconscious...

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing, letting all of my limbs and body go completly limp. I had faked this many times with my parents when I was little, so I was a professional at this in my eyes.

And sure enough, the trunk opened not a second after I was completly in place. I felt thier eyes burning into me, and it was really uncomfortable, but I knew to stay still, keep my breathing in check.

"Oh look at him! He's so adorable when he's unconscious, I just wanna-"

"Keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear whatever you were going to say just then. I swear to God, if you ever say anything like that I will kill you."

"Hey, don't be so mean! She was just making an innocent comment. Don't be so harsh."

"No one asked for your input, Petra."

Petra? I've never heard that name before...

"Anyway, let's get him out of here! This trunk looks waaaay outdated! Lug him up, eyebrows!"

What kind of a nickname is 'eyebrows'? Like damn, how could someone be known for their eyebrows?

I was picked up by a large figure and slung over their shoulder. This must be 'eyebrows'... he was hella tall!

I was carried a short distance, but right at the end, the air thickened dramatically. It was almost suffocating, but I had to maintain my breathing pattern. There was no way I was letting them know that I was fully aware.

I was put into a chair, the chains binding my arms and legs removed. At first I was relieved, but the chains were soon replaced, and they secured me to the chair I was sitting in. Apparently, these guys did not want to let me go.

But it soon occurred to me that these people were strangely familiar...

I remember now! I was running to Levi's house when I was stopped by these three poeple in black cloaks. One of them spoke to me, and they had a really deep voice... And this 'eyebrows' guy had a similar deep voice... were these people the same people that abducted me? They had to be, right? Who else could these three be?

I heard footsteps, they were fading, getting farther and farther away form me. Were they leaving me here? Were they going to abandon me, leave me for dead? I wouldn't think they would, but then again... 

If they were, this is the perfect chance to escape!

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