Strange feelings

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(Levi's POV)

We were talking about the past for a long time after we had our little kissing bout. We talked about things like what we did together, who we hated, who we admired, where we went to school, things like that. It was heartwarming to be able to talk about such things without being uncomfortable.

We were chatting idly in his room until we had forgotten how late it was becoming. I took a glance at the clock.

9:27 PM.

Shit! We have school tomorrow! I don't have a ride... I'll just have to walk then. As much as I don't want to leave Eren, I need to get home. I hope he understands.

But before I could say anything, he must have noticed my anticipation, because he looked at me and asked "Hey, Levi? Are you alright?" I nodded. "It's just late, and I have to get home soon."

Thank goodness he simply nodded, he should remember that my parents died when I was a child, because I do not want to discuss that story all over again. The memories were haunting enough.

I stood up and patted Eren's head. He beamed and said "I love you Heichou. Stay safe, okay?" I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Of course. You get some rest now, alright?" "Mm-Hm."

With that, he laid on his bed and got under his blankets. I swear, this kid was so breathtaking sometimes.

I kissed his nose and whispered "Goodnight, Eren." He smiled and whispered back "Goodnight, Levi."

Only then could I bring myself to leave the room. In all honesty, I wanted to stay there with him, but I can't speed things up too much. I don't want to force this relationship down Eren's throat.


Are we still in a relationship?

No, I doubt that... I mean, I was forced to cheat on him... Damn Petra and her dares... And yet I was so naïve as to accept her dare...

Damnit, why was I so stupid?

When I finally left his house, I looked up at the sky. It was pretty dark, but there were a few streetlights, giving me enough light to see where I was going.

When I stepped down from the porch, I got a weird feeling. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't normal. Like, I didn't have a headache, or butterflies in my gut. But I ignored it and walked down the street toward my own house.

From the school to my house was a breeze, about a five minute walk. But from the school to Eren's house was about double that, so I had about a fifteen minute walk home. I didn't really mind that'll much, and I wouldn't have cared less if it were morning, but night

time was a whole other ordeal.

But I knew my slight fear of the night was irrational, so I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and decided to focus on getting home.

What felt like only a few minutes later, I began to see the roof of my house. Ah yes, I'm almost home. But then that strange feeling hit again.

Like I was being watched.

I stopped in my tracks and observe the dark, quiet world around me. Every time I looked in a different direction, the shadows seemed to dance around me, as if to be taunting me.

Shit, I've gone crazy...

I managed to ignore my mind and it's tricks long enough for me to get to my house, get inside, and lock the door behind me.

Oh God, this sure is creepy...

Hold on a second.

What was that thing I saw in the shadows?


Not real ones... But they were white and blue, one of each color...

Oh well. It's just my mind playing tricks on my eyes. It's nothing I should be worrying about.


Or so I thought.

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