Ch 2. Cover

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"All black again?" My mom looked me up and down. "No, dark gray pants and red belt and socks."
"....gReAT" She sarcastically said while she handed me a cup of tea. "No, GRAY." I chuckled and went to my room with the tea to throw the last things in my bag. My phone rang and I picked it up to hear my Australian friend's voice booming through the phone " G'DAY MATEEEE"

I quickly moved the phone further from my ear "Shut the fuck up Chan I'm barely awake"
"Cheer up grumpy-ass, today's gonna be fun"
"Changaroo why the fuck would I be cheerful if we have an extra week vacation and you just NEED to make me wake up at 8:30 so we can go to an amusement park early?!"
"Stop pretending you aren't excited!"
"I never said that I'm not, I'm just saying WHY SO GODDAMN EARLY"

"Anyways Woojin, Minho and I will be at your place in....." I heard soft mumbling from the other side of the line "10 minutes, so make sure you're ready BYEEEEE" and without another word he ended the call. 10 minutes.... That's plenty to fix my hair and relax a bit.

After 7 minutes I walk downstairs and hug my sister before putting on my black sneakers and coat. My mom went in for a hug but I tapped the top of her head with a grin, dodging her hug. She pouted and I hugged her anyways before walking out the door. About a minute later Woojin's car appeared at the end of the street.

I saw, and heard, Minho enthusiastically slamming on the steering wheel to sound the car's horn. I frowned and waited for them to stop. Eventually the car stopped in front of me and the car door opened, Chan's arms shot out and yanked me into the car with a huge grin. "HE'S HERE LET'S GO WOOJIN"

"Calm your tits you bubbly little shit, we're all close to you" I growled while I got comfortable in the seat. Chan bounced up and down with a big smile and sparkly eyes. Woojin turned the mirror so that our eyes met. "Don't be rude to Chan, he's just happy"

Minho leaned his elbow on the (A/n idk what it's called, like the part of the door where the window button thingies and the thing to hold onto is and where you can hang your arm out of the car when the window is down) and chuckled "and he's tiny sooo-"
"Be grateful that I'm here to give him attention and love so you can do your own thing Meanhoe"

"I'm fine on my own as well? You don't HAVE to stay with me" Chan interrupted them and put his hands on Woojin's shoulders.
"Don't be silly Channie I enjoy being with you~♡"

I shook my head and put in my earphones. I honestly thought Chan was really cute when he was a bit more little, everyone does. I would never actually say that of course. While listening to my music I looked at the other guys. Chan was happily looking out the window while bopping his head to the soft music that played in the car, Minho was staring into nothingness, probably thinking about ass, or some guy at a party he went to, or sex, all of those combined, or his cats, and Woojin was just focused on the road while softly singing along to their music.

After about 40 minutes we arrived at the amusement park. Chan basically jumped out of the car, followed by Woojin who grabbed his hand, then Minho and I followed. The oldest locked the car and we walked to the entrance, Woojin tightly holding Chan's hand to keep him from running off ahead of us.

I took my earphones out to appreciate the pretty music that came out of the entrance building. A smile creeped onto my face and Minho nudged my arm with a grin "Hey Binnie, your excited is showing"
"Shut up. Maybe you didn't know this, but I can be happy. That's possible. It's a thing." He chuckled and put an arm around my shoulders. "I know trashbinnie, I'm just teasing~"

Minho and I stepped up our pace a bit so we were next to Chan and Woojin. "I'm going to my family in 'stralia in a few days" the blonde said with a big smile. My heart melted a bit at the sight of his pure happiness to see them again, but I didn't show it on the outside. I don't know when, how and why, but for some reason I created a bit of a 'dark guy' image around myself. I'm honestly not at all dark on the inside, it's just that on the outside I have a lot of dark things. I can't help that dark colors are just pretty and calming.

"I know Channie, you've told us before, and you go there every year for Christmas and new year's eve." I smiled at him with my hands in my pockets.
"Oh..yeah that's true!" He smiled and tippytapped on his feet when we entered the building. Woojin gave the lady behind the counter our tickets and we went inside.

The lady looked me up and down with a strange expression but I ignored her and continued walking. "Where do we want to go first? It'd be smart to go to the back first, there's the rollercoasters and it's always the busiest there so if we start there and work our way forward we can probably do everything."

I felt my grumpiness from waking up early wear off and despite the fact that I don't really like rollercoasters I smiled "sounds good, let's get going" I waddled in a silly walk making Chan giggle and copy me. We walked to the back of the park and of the 6 rollercoasters I went in 4, which seems like a fair amount to me.

Chan by now was extremely bouncy and hyped "Shall we sit down and have a snack?" Woojin said, underlying meaning being "shall we sit down and have Chan calm down before he uses all his energy on the first half of the park and squeezes my hand off".
"Sure, I'm thirsty" I agreed and so did Minho. Chan shrugged "hmkaykay".

We sat down on one of the picnick benches and Woojin went to get us drinks. I sat next to Chan and Minho was on his phone. The blonde was happily talking about the rides I didn't do and playing with my fingers in the meantime. Woojin came back with cola for me and Minho, Sprite for himself and fanta orange for Chan.

It's so strange to realize this Chan, who's happily sipping on his drink while softly laughing about a story Minho told, is the same Chan as the man who can dominate literally anyone and drink a crazy lot while seeming only tipsy.

But on the other hand, people don't see the bubbly, bouncy side of me that often either so I guess it's not that different. It's not like I'm purposely hiding that side of me, it just happens to be that way. "Guys how about we head to the fairytales and games part of the park next?"
"Yesss! Letsg-"
"Wait up Chan I wanna sit for a sec first"
"...Old man..."

"Woojinnie Chan and I can just go ahead so you guys can take your time and Chan has more time for the stories?" I proposed after finishing my drink. Woojin looked at me with a knowing smile and happy eyes. "Sure, but turn your phone's volume up so I can reach you both to meet up again yeah?" I nodded and turned up the volume.

"Now go ahead, we don't want Chan to waste time here instead of playing games and watching the stories." Woojin winked at me and I rolled my eyes. That observant son of a bitch noticed how much I liked that part of the park last time we were here.

Chan grabbed my hand and pulled me forward " 'cmooon let's go!" I walked at a normal pace, Chan bouncing forward a step ahead of me. "Channie you're going pull my arm off if you keep pulling on it like that" I said while gently pulling my arm back so he was next to me. "If that makes you walk faster, I will!"

"No you will not you little shit" I chuckled and shook my head, while walking a bit faster, to Chan's delight. I brushed my free hand through my dark hair and subconsciously held Chan's tightly in my other. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and held it ready to take a picture "Channiee~"

Said boy turned his face towards me and my phone and I took the perfect picture of his bright smile with dimples and his eyes as crescents. I showed him the picture and he joked about how white he looked in the light of the gray-blue winter sky.

Today is a good day.

Which started way too damn early for in a vacation.

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