Ch 14. Sorry

155 8 5

Seungmin pov

I'm awake, yet pretending not to be. I heard footsteps and whispers when I woke up about 20 minutes ago. My eyelids feel heavy and my arm burns. I had by now figured out that I was in my house, on our couch and my arm is bandaged but it feels different from usual.

I think I recognized Jaebum and Jinyoung's voices, but they're speaking very softly so I'm not sure. I slowly raised my hand to my arm and felt the fabric under my fingertips. I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. I first leaned on my left arm but dropped back on the couch when a sharp sting shot through my arm and shoulder. I tried again, leaning on only my right arm and sat back against the armrest. "Hey kid, when I asked you if saving you was going to be a regular thing, the answer was supposed to be, and stay, no." Jaebum's voice sounded through the room, making me look at him quickly.

He frowned and ran a hand through his hair while he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. He sat a chair next to the dinnertable, Jinyoung nowhere to be seen. His frown scared me further into what I already thought. I'm a pain to them. A bother. What kind of jerk was I to make them come over for me. He's probably angry... "Jae- I- I don't- I'm so sorry for being a bother I didn't know what to- " I stuttered and tripped over my words, in search of something fitting to say. He quickly walked over and before I could say anything else he had wrapped his arms around me.

Jb held me tight and spoke in a soft voice "moron.. Don't say sorry.. Just don't... I was so scared you would've.. You're only allowed to apologize if you die or don't let us help you. Then, and only then, will I accept you apology. Understood?" He patted the back of my hair when I nodded. "But.. How will I apologize when I'm dead?" I laid my right hand on his back softly. He laughed a bit "you're right, that's not possible.. Guess the only solution if for you to not die on us, that way you won't have to say sorry for doing so either."

He let go of me, straightened his back and nudged his head to the side. I looked at where he motioned and quickly shot back further into the corner of the couch. Changbin is still here. Why is he still here? He should have left! I can't face that man. He's probably angry with me. He'll hurt me. "Why is he-" I looked at the man, asleep in a rather uncomfortable looking position, his arms on the back of another chair and his forehead on his arms.

"He refused to do anything but watch you and stayed by your side all night. We eventually had to force him to sleep... He's a very nice guy" Jae looked at Changbin with a small smile. "Also, we didn't remove your undershirt, so if that's the reason you're acting this frightened, he didn't see anything of your uhm... Of your back and such. Jinyoung will be back in a bit, he's buying breakfast for the four of us now" Jb checked his watch "he could be back anytime. About him, he stitched your arm and bandaged you up. It looks pretty professional doesn't it?"

He chuckled softly while I looked at my arm in disbelief "stitch? He can do that? Wait I needed stitches?"
"Yes, yes, yes. You got stitches, Jinyoung did medical studies, you definitely needed stitches."
Changbin moved a little, making me jump off the couch quickly, dropping to my knees right away. Jae shook his head, kneeled down and lifted me off the floor with his hands under my thighs. He put me back on the couch with a small smirk "I wouldn't try that right now Min, you lost quite a lot of power yesterday."

I huffed and crossed my arms "Don't make it sound like we're in a videogame. 'Seungmin, level 19, lost 40 HP after attack by drunken crazy person, level 25'. "
" 'Changbin, level 20, needed speed +2 to block the attack. Action unsuccessful.' " Changbin's voice sounded from next to me. "Good morning puppy. How's the scratch? You were right, not a big deal at all. Not much worse than a bruise I'd say." Wait.. He doesn't sound angry? At all? Just a bit sarcastic. Why are his eyes red? This guy makes no sense at all!

"I- uhm.. Good morning... Sorry for being a pain.." I looked at my hands and got ready for a scolding or a shout. However all I got was warm arms around my shoulder and waist. "Don't be sorry Minnie, it wasn't your fault, besides, now I can tell Minho I stayed at your place and that we slept together." He wiggled his brows and laughed. I couldn't stop myself from laughing and softly slapped his arm. "Yah, don't give your friends the wrong idea!" As if sleeping with me would be something to be proud of. He shouldn't want to be seen around someone as uninteresting as me, I don't understand why he's still here even.

Jb looked at his phone and walked to the hall. "Who says that idea is wrong?" He leaned over me, making me lay back against the armrest. A distant alarmbell in the back if my mind sounded, but it was cancelled and pushed away by the tingles in my abdomen and stomach, and the dangerously fast beating of my heart. My cheeks became red and the elder seemed to notice as well, smirking slightly "oh? That's not the reaction I was expecting puppy, can't say I mind though.." He inched closer slightly, careful and gentle, watching my response.

The alarmbell sounded louder, and I had to remind myself that he'd be bad for me. However, my body didn't listen to my mind, for instead of pushing him away or moving away myself, I stretched out my neck so I was closer to him. While I was questioning my entire existence and why my body didn't listen to me, my eyes got caught in his and his hand moved into my hair. He's going to hurt you. I heard the alarm remind me, but I was wondering what he was going to do and just let him do as he pleased. Changbin leaned a bit closer. Almost close enough to...

The door to the hall opened and Jinyoung and Jb came in. Changbin's head dropped forward and he sighed. He removed his hand from my hair and squeezed the couch's armrest with his right hand, exposing his muscles. I got distracted by his arm and didn't pay attention to Jinyoung putting down the groceries for a rather big breakfast. "Puppy" I quickly looked up at Changbin, who smiled brightly at me. "You look so cute~. Either way, do you want your breakfast on the couch or shall we move you to the table?"

"I can just go to the table myself! Don't bother for me Bin" even though I kept reminding myself he's dangerous, and will hurt me, I enjoyed his company and the way he speaks. And the way he looks. And smells. And the way his dark eyes get scrunched slightly when he smiles. And- SEUNGMIN FOCUS GODDAMNIT.
I got up off the couch, watched closely by Changbin. The first step went well, the second my knees gave in again and I lost balance. My eyesight disappeared for a moment and the world spun around me.

I felt the by now almost familiar warm arms around my waist, half guiding, half carrying me to a chair. Realizing I couldn't do much more without falling right now, I tried my best to steadily walk myself. Changbin literally put me down on a chair and carefully moved the wooden chair closer to the table. I heard Jinyoung and Jaebum 'awhh' softly but ignored it, looking down at my lap instead. I don't know how I feel anymore. I don't even know WHAT I feel... I looked up for a moment, glancing at the elder next to me. Why do you make me feel different..

My eyes lingered on his lips for a second. I wonder what those feel like.. Soft.. No what am I thinking! This is ridiculous. Mom says a kiss got her nothing but hell. It got her dad. It got her.. Me... I shook my thoughts and noticed Jinyoung had put a croissant on the plate down in front of me. "Eat something sweetheart. You've got to gain HP" he winked at me, motioned at the croissant and continued cutting open his own. I nodded while I still looked down "Thank you.. For everything you've done up to this point. You all.. Jaebum and Bin don't allow me to say sorry but I still feel bad for bothering you"

Changbin's hand moved onto my thigh softly. "You aren't a bother Minnie, don't tell yourself that you are. We're your.. friends. I'm quite sure I speak for Jb and Jinyoung as well when I tell you we don't mind. Rather a night of worry than a lifelong feeling of regret and sadness, don't you think?" I laughed softly and nodded. As if they'd be sad for longer than a day if I died. They would forget about me within a week. Rather that than another night of worrying others. It would have to look like an accident though...

I picked up the bread knife and cut open the croissant, my eyes being grasped by how easily the serrated blade cut through the toughish bread. I lifted the shiny blade up, the light from outside reflecting on it.

Would it though? I mean, it's not like they'd care..

[ Just imagine ] Changbin-SeungminМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя