Ch 11. Bus

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Changbin pov

Oh thank our lord and savior Christopher, he didn't move away!

I laughed at Jeongin's cute dolphin imitation while I tried not to be too distracted by the cute puppy-like (slightly savage) younger next to me. He just finished his icecream and, I think subconsciously, moved a bit closer to me. Why did such a small movement make my heart beat faster? It's just a cute boy. A very. very. very cute boy. With the most precious smile ever.

I just wish his smile would seem genuine more often... He sometimes smiles with his lips but his eyes don't hold that same happiness. Smiiiizing is important. Of course he does look happy a lot of the time but sometimes he'd zone out slightly and his entire face would harden.

On the other hand I might be imagining things, maybe he just has a more serious resting face. Jisung and the other boys don't seem bothered by it. "Seungminnie your laugh is so pretty~" I softly squeezed his upper arm and I saw his face became slightly red.

"Nooo" He shook his head and softly tapped my arm with a smile. I chuckled and looked at him "Yes it is! 'Seungmin' is too long to say every time... What about... puppy?" I took in his expression and laughed softly at his light blush.

"people have told me that I look like one before but to use it as a nickname..." He locked eyes with me and shrugged. I smiled widely at the boy "It fits you too perfectly not to do so. But, of course, if you really don't like it, I won't use it" He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you serious?" He asked in a soft voice. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

Seungmin stayed silent for a moment before mumbling "n-no.. I'm fine with the nickname..". I raised an eyebrow but smiled. Such a cute answer! "Then I now declare you to be referred to as: Puppy" I dramatically stated, making the younger giggle. Minho laughed at something Jisung said while in a conversation with Chan and Jeongin. Felix's eyes were now closing every once in a while, his head on Chan's shoulder, with the elder's arm around him like a small blanket.

They look adorable aaah! Chan usually isn't this lovey-dovey with people. He's always cuddly, but the way he looks at the fluffy boy is different. Minho, on the other hand, isn't very different from usual. Flirting, normal talking, savage comment, touchy, flirting, dissapointed face, laughing, more savage, more flirting. In his own original way, it's really nice.

Chan and Felix whispered something together while they moved a bit closer and I saw Chan's cheeks became slightly less pale. That's one whipped man right there. The elder pulled the boy closer and asked Jisung, Jeongin and Jisung for their numbers. Seungmin smiled, nodded and gave his. The aussie messaged everyone to check if the numbers were correct and I saw how Seungminnie saved Chan as "Felix's aussie?".

"How are y'all going to get home? How far from here do you live? Minho and I live 45 minutes away, Woojin half an hour from our place so he's taking us. Changbin is gonna go by bus." Chan explained but I got distracted by Seungmin.

"I'm gonna take the bus as well, I live 50 minutes away" The boy said while he was looking at the site for what bus he needed. Jeongin said something but I was looking at Seungmin's phone. He mumbled softly "I need bus 12.." I raised my eyebrow. That's my bus as well, so we won't have to say goodbye yet.

Felix after a short moment said something about selling his skin at the black market. Seungmin giggled "Don't worry, he's just like that. When we first met he made me promise that I wouldn't chop his dick off to put it in some European meat snack thing."

"I- what even- why?"
"I dunno, but I think I proved that I'm worthy of his trust because he's still got his dick and I've been a pretty okay friend the past years. Besides, I still can't remember that snack's name so I wouldn't be able to turn his dick into one even if I wanted to."

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