Ch 10. Awkward

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Seungmin pov

Chan was still carrying Felix and while they were talking with Jeongin and Woojin. Jisung and Minho... They're seemingly in their own little world. I was still walking with Changbin. He doesn't seem to think a problem of what he saw last time but he did glance or stare at me often. I wonder why. Do I look weird? I have to admit I've caught myself staring or looking at him a few times too. Something about him is very captivating. Maybe the way he kind of pretends to be tough but lets such bouncy cuteness shine through every once in a while. He's cute... HoLDuP WHAT.

"Seungmin, if you don't mind me asking, what did you wear those bandages for?" He was looking at his feet casually, not to dodge my eyes but just because he apparently didn't think the question was a big deal. I quickly made something up that sort of makes sense "Oh I was baking an egg with bacon and kind slipped and burned myself with the pan and fat". He looked at me with big eyes "On your hand, arm and face? Ahh that sucks! Lucky you that they're all gone now aye?" 

That last sentence made me a bit nervous. He didn't sound genuine. He sounded like he knew it was a lie but for some reason didn't call me out on it. No, I'm just imagining things. "Yes.. thankfully they healed quickly. I'll be right back, gonna check on my sunshine" I moved over to Felix and the others and squished Felix's cute cheeks. I casually walked backwards and smiled at him "Lixieee are you alive?" 

He raised his head and shot me a bright smile. The blonde tried to poke my cheeks, which I quickly duck away from. "Min you're gonna fall if you keep walking backwards" He said in a warning tone, making me shake my head. "I'll be fine, I do this all the time at home"
"Why" He raised an eyebrow at me.
To dodge and keep an eye on my father. "To know if I have Spideysenses yet, duuuuuuuuhhh" I said in the most obvious voice.
He snorted and looked at me questioningly "I- Alright whatever"

"Two more turns and we're at the 'nonbrandchickenrestaurant'" Woojin suddenly shouted excitedly. "Such a strange name, Nonbrandchickenrestaurant" Felix said while he clung tighter to Chan. I went back to Changbin, who smiled brightly at me "Heyhey" I smiled back while I softly cracked my neck. We talked for a bit until we reached the restaurant.

We ordered a shitload of food for everyone because no one wanted something specific and sat down at a semicircle shaped table. In the middle were Jisung and Minho, practically IN eachother already. Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point. Changbin and I sat on their right with Woojin in between Changbin and Minho , Chan and Lixie on Jisung's left with in between Jisung and Chan, Jeonginnie. 

Everyone seemed so chill with eachother, while I still had to get used to the new people, and I was a bit awkward, especially next to Changbin. Minho and Jisung were VERY chill with eachother. Jisung was basically on his lap if he moved to the side a bit and Minho's hand was on it's way down his back to his ass. What was I expecting though.

Chan and Felix were cute together, and way less inappropriately touchy. Still, I need to be sure I can trust him before I just give away our sunshine. Jisung spoke to Felix, but he seemed distracted. He had a slight blush on his cheeks so I doubt if I want to know what he was thinking about. He reacted cutely when he realized Jisung was speaking to him, making me smile slightly. Jisung leaned forward and I unwillingly spotted Minho's hand moving onto his ass. "Lixie I asked you how the flight went, cause you only said that Chan helped"

I looked at my friend and saw Chan's hand moving to his thigh.  "It uhm.. it went quite well! I kind of panicked during take off, turbulence and landing, but besides that it went well. I didn't get nauseous and Chan stopped me from hyperventilating." He explained with a smile. Chan just gained trust points. "Chicken's here!" Jeongin spoke up before thanking the waitress and spreading the chicken boxes over the table. Without realizing I glanced at Chan's hand on Felix's leg. If he dares move that hand further up his leg he's losing his trust points.

Like sure, it's Felix's life and I'm sure that if he thinks Chan is trustworthy, he IS, but I love my friends too much to just calmly let them wander off with anyone. After a while of just talking in the group and eating chicken, Changbin suddenly appeared to think of something. "Oh by the way, Seungmin, that first time we met, I-I'm usually not like that at all, for if you didn't notice yet! I uhm.. I kinda got a challenge from that thing" He pointed at Minho, who looked back with a raised eyebrow. "What's with me?"

"You a hoe, that's what."
"So are you bitch"
I giggled at the two and smiled at Changbin. "Don't worry Changbin, I noticed. I'm usually not like that either" He smiled back and softly tapped my knee "I figured". I looked around the table and saw that Chan's arm was around Felix's shoulders while the younger's head was leaning on him. Jeongin was just being the cute pure gumdrop he is (sometimes) and Jisung and Minho-.... Yeah...

Changbin accidentally hit my arm when Minho moved, causing him to move as well. I clenched my jaw when he pressed against the bruise on my arm, catching Chan's attention. "You okay Seungmin?" I smiled at him while I got a "sorry!" from Changbin. "Yeah I'm good, no worries! I got burned while cooking just before Christmas and it's still a bit sensitive on my arm."

Felix suddenly started moving his hands up and down so fast that I was afraid he might rise off his chair and turn into a bird. Chan quickly turned to the bright red boy "Ohmygosh fluff are you okay?!" Felix tapped Chan's arm at the same speed and swallowed before coughing out a "hot fuck that shit was so spicy!!"
"Something tells me you grabbed the chili spice special, Lixie" Minho leaned over and moved his drink towards Felix.

I don't know why, but despite the amount of people at the table that I didn't really know yet I mostly talked with only Changbin. He sometimes rested his hand on my leg or arm, probably because of the lack of space, but it felt nice in a way I couldn't explain. Chan and Felix mumbled something together when we all were done eating, and suddenly Chan spoke to everyone.

"Okay y'all what kind of ice cream do you want me to get for you?"
I raised an eyebrow and looked at him "You sure? It's expensive"
Jisung chuckled and slightly moved his head towards Chan while leaning on his elbows. "Yeah, don't waste money on idiots like us"
Chan huffed, seemingly slightly annoyed at our held back reaction "Guys God's sake just pick something, its not a problem" 

We all got soft icecream and the older blonde didn't let us see the costs when he paid. After a while the man came back with a big tray with icecream cones with different  colors of crunchy toppings. "Alright guys we have two of everything, there's banana, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla" no one really had a strong preference so we just took anything.

After a while I heard Chan curse and wipe dripped icecream off his pants. Felix quickly took his hand, gave their icecreams to Minho and Jeongin and pulled Chan to the toilets. Jisung softly laughed "if he sucks his dick in there I'm both super proud and resigning from this friendship." I grinned and calmly ate my icecream "As if you wouldn't do exactly that if you were in his situation"

Jisung smirked "Yeah but Minnie, that is ME. Not our sunshine child." I dramatically raised my hand to my forehead "I'm afraid, sungie darling, that he's not our baby anymore... He's growing up" Woojin chuckled and looked at me "Your child and baby? Aren't you younger?"

I clicked my tongue "Your point? Being a child or someone's baby isn't related to age" Woojin, Changbin and Minho sent eachother looks I couldn't quite place before they continued talking casually. I shrugged it off and continued eating. A while later Chan and Felix's icecreams had shrunk severely and a man walked into the toilets. "Hey sungie, if he IS sucking Chan's dick I sure hope they're finished already"

Jisung grinned, nodded and ran his hand up Minho's thigh. I mumbled a soft "Hoe" at him but he smiled cutely at me "I'll take that as a compliment angel". After that Chan and Felix returned, after the man left the toilets as well. Jisung, Changbin and Minho put on perv faces and wiggled their brows at both men. "Nothing happened you perverted asshats" Felix said and slapped Jisung against his head when he walked past him.

"Yet" Changbin mumbled while he leaned back with a smirk. Chan kicked him under the table, making him laugh softly. The dark haired put his arm behind me on the back of the couch, touching my neck and shoulders softly. He's just sitting comfortably. Don't start imagining things behind it, you moron. He clearly isn't interested in you, neither are you in him.

But then why does it feel so good when he even slightly touches me or gives me his attention... 

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