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Changbin pov

My feet couldn't carry me fast enough when I heard the rapid knocking on the door. I threw the door open and pulled the men inside. "I'm so, so sorry to bother you at this hour" I quickly apologized while I yanked them through the living room by their arms. Both men looked a bit shocked at the way I look and my voice but I'm somewhat used to that. "But the last thing he said before he went out was ''no hospital, Jinyoung, Jae,, So I called you instead and-"
"It's okay dude, we're really thankful that you contacted us- oh fuck.." The man went quiet when he saw Seungmin.

"How many fucking times am I going to have to patch you up, dumbass" one man said as he kneeled down next to the boy and opened his case. The other man put a hand on my shoulder. "Jinyoung has a medical degree and can do first aid, Seungmin will be fine" however the way he said it wasn't very enthusiastic or fully convincing. However I nodded as I watched Jinyoung check several things and start working his magic bandaging my.. Friend? Acquaintance?... Whatever that's not important right now. What's important is making sure he's alright.

I moved around the room restlessly, fiddling with my hands and walking in circles while keeping a close eye on the boy and constantly checking on him. The man I now know as Jaebum sat on a (not very sturdy looking) wooden chair, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his hair. He turned towards me with a small frown "Changbin I know you're worried, so am I, but please sit down or do something to calm down. You've been pacing around for more than 30 minutes now." 

A sigh escaped my lips and I grabbed another wooden chair, which also looked like it was about to fall apart any minute, dragged it over the floor and slammed it down harshly next to the couch Seungmin was on. I will not leave his side until he's safe and awake. I sat down backwards, my face turned towards Min and my arms folded on the back of the chair.
(A/n, does this make sense? He's sitting like with his dick towards the backrest(?) of the chair. Idk how to explain it yeet)
Jinyoung just checked Seungmin's temperature and heartbeat and placed his soft hand on my back.

"He'll be okay Changbin. Just... Try to rest, you've stressed yourself a lot. We will be by his -and your- side when he wakes up." Jinyoung gave me a small smile and tapped my back before walking to Jaebum. He placed his hand on the back of the man's chair and lifted his face up with his index finger. "Babe he'll be okay. You should calm your ass too. Don't try to pretend to be calm because I can see you're stressing." Jinyoung smiled at the older and got a huff in return. "Shut up asshole, just hug me already"

Jb opened his arms and Jinyoung quickly hugged him, pressing a soft kiss in his neck. They're both very handsome, and quite a bit older than puppy, I wonder how they met... I took a short moment to pay attention to their looks. They don't look like bad people, not at all, besides Jinyoung just somewhat fixed up Seungmin, but I don't 100% trust them yet.

 They don't look like bad people, not at all, besides Jinyoung just somewhat fixed up Seungmin, but I don't 100% trust them yet

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JB aesthetic

Jinyoung aesthetic

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Jinyoung aesthetic

Seungmin moved slightly in his now -no longer blacked out- sleep. I shot up off my chair, only to sit down again when he was laying still again. I laid my forehead on my arms and pressed my thighs harder against the back of the chair. Calm yourself moron. From this position I asked, without looking up, or even remotely in their direction "so how did you meet Seungmin? Do you know why I had to call YOU instead of the hospital?" My voice came out harder than I thought it would and I heard how moderately unfriendly I seemed.

They seemed unbothered by my tone and Jinyoung calmly answered "well, I usually wouldn't tell people this easily but seeing how protective you are over him and already saw him like this, I'm guessing it's fine if we tell you. We first met him outside the 7/11, our job, he was being assaulted by some man that tried to rob him,"
"We still haven't heard from the police right?" Jae softly interrupted him.
"No we have not. We got the man away from him and took care of a few bruises and a cut on his arm... Here!" Jinyoung stood up, walked to Seungmin -who had previously been respectfully stripped of his sweater, leaving him in a sleeveless shirt- and pointed at the nearly gone leftovers of wound, a little under this one.

I just nodded and stared at the boy's arms. There were old and new bruises and wounds scattered all over his arms, making me fear for the state rest of his body. "And he just went on with his day as if nothing happened,"
"Yeah I found out that's kind of a habit of his" I scoffed and laid my chin on the back of the chair.
"And the next time we met him he was in the middle of being beat to shit and about to get raped by a bunch of drunk men. Jaebum found him before they did so though" he looked at Jaebum with the definition of hearteyes, and Jb tightened his grip on the man's waist.

Hurt and almost raped by a bunch of drunk men... Was this man one of them? That's why Seungmin was so nervous during the ride, and that afraid when he approached him.
"He went knockout then too, slept tight for a while and we took care of his injuries and drove him home. However he didn't want to tell us his address, so Jb dropped him off at the street. When Min talked about his friends he never mentioned a 'Changbin'. How'd you meet him? Are you like, I don't know, a cousin, a friend, partner? Or just an acquittance?" Jinyoung asked with a small eyebrow wiggle at 'partner'.

I sighed and stared at the younger on the couch while explaining. "I uhm.. We met two weeks ago.. Although it wasn't much of a meeting. My friend Minho challenged me to act like him -meaning flirting and acting like a smooth prick- to the next person I saw. That happened to be pupp- Seungmin. He was sitting on the doorpost with a pressed face and something red, I assume blood but I prefer not to theorize, on his hands and a bit on his clothes." I quietly reached out for the boy's hand, intertwining our fingers.

"The time we actually got to know eachother was today... It was pure coincidence. My friend and his both came home from Australia and we both came to welcome them at the airport. Apparently our friends had taken a liking in eachother because they and us, their friendgroups, sticked together for the remaining time.. Minnie and I went home by bus and everything went well until he had to get out and..." I hesitantly retracted my hand and laid my head back on the chair, clenching my jaw.

I sighed shakily and tried to keep my voice steady "he- the drunk man behind us seemingly recognized Seungmin.. I assume he's the same as from your story.. He followed Seungmin out of the bus and-" my voice broke, making me stop talking for a moment. I heard the other chair moved and without looking up I knew Jaebum got up. "I'll make tea" he said in a soft voice. I stayed quiet and couldn't bear to look at the younger in front of me. When Jb returned and the water was boiling I continued talking. "When I noticed I got out of the bus as fast as I could and got the man away from Min but it was too late- he was already hurt and.."

My voice became softer "I- I should've been faster... I could have prevented all this if I had just noticed him a second earlier... Min could've been dead.. I'd never have forgiven myself if-..." I felt a tear tickle down my face while I was trying to stop more from doing so. Footsteps moved towards me and a hand was softly placed on the nape of my neck. "Don't go blaming yourself Changbin, it's not your fault. On the contrary! If it weren't for your intervention he could've been gone now. He's not going to die because of this. It might sound a bit dramatic, but you might've saved his life tonight." Jinyoung's voice sounded gentle and soft.

I stayed quiet and calmed myself a bit. A dramatic crying idiot is the last thing we need right now. I sound like I think I'm the victim.. Seungmin moved slightly and I quickly shot up again, only to sit back down. "..either way.. I'm not anything special to him.." Why did that thought hurt so much? "We're not even actually friends... We're more like friendly acquaintances I guess.. I'm pretty sure he doesn't trust me or want me around." Jinyoung tapped my hair. "We're very thankful that you did stay with him. Now, how about some tea to calm down?" Jaebum got up quickly while Jinyoung stayed by my side.

A short moment later I was handed a cup of mint tea. Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Jaebum's neck, pressed their bodies against eachother and kissed him before turning back to me and Seungmin. I was quietly tracing my finger over his hurt, cut and black&blue arms. Jinyoung smiled softly when I looked his direction. "Can I be honest wish you Changbin? When I first saw you I was a bit afraid you might've been the reason something bad happened to Seungmin, or were just allround unfriendly, as serious and frowning and hurried as you looked. You're not at all as scary as you seem at first glance."

He laughed softly with a sweet smile.
"Thank you?" I smiled and sipped my tea. Thank you.

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