Ch 6. Settle

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Nothing spicy actually happens, just makeout session and fwb, but if you don't like that, idk, skip?

Changbin pov

Around 8 PM most (big) things are in place and I sat down on my softest chair, sinking into the pillows. A slightly opened window let the cold winter air into my warm house, but it's quite alright. I think I had some prerolled joints in my bag...

I reached sideways for my bag and remained like that, horizontally draped over the chair, my legs over one armrest and my back against the other. While I fixed a loose edge on the paper I looked at the joint.

When you tell people you drink it's like "oh ok that's nice" but when you even slightly hint that you like to get high, people suddenly start treating you like this big bad criminal. (A/n, this is in a country where it's legal lol) Weed isn't even physically addictive, people can keep on wanting the feeling constantly though, and then it can be considered an addiction.

I lit the tip and put it to my lips. I heard Minho's personal ringtone "Imma stupid hoe Imma Imma stupid hoe" etc and picked up my phone "Sup Lee" I heard a chuckle from the other side of the line "Hey Bin, you kinda settled in your new place today right?"

"Yeah, am celebrating rn" I said while playing with the light smoke. "Can I come over? I'm bored and wanna see your house"
"Sure, has Chan called you yet?"
"Nah, you?"

"I'll be there in 30 minutes"
"30 minutes? Were you already in the neighborhood?"
"No I was already on my way because I knew you wouldn't mind"
"Lee know been knew"
"You're not even high yet so I shall not accept such bad jokes"

And with that I ended the call. I turned on my boxes and started my Emhoe playlist. I let Minho choose the name of my punk/rock/old-kinda-hard-shit playlist and he came up with that. After some songs of Paramore, P!atd, Nico Collins, FOB, All time low, Set it off, MCR, Onerepublic, Nirvana, Guns n' roses, AC/DC, Queen, 3 doors down and Linkin Park my doorbell rang while Last resort by papa roach started playing.

I pressed the button to open the door downstairs, waited for a short moment and opened the front door of my apartment. I leaned against the doorpost with my second joint in between my fingers. I wasn't planning to get too dazed today so I took it slow.

Minho walked to my door "Hi trashbinnie~" I chuckled and let him in. He looked around and raised an eyebrow "Bro.. for a first house, not bad! Not at all bad....". I dropped down into my chair again while medication by YUNGBLUD started playing. I looked through my insta to see if anyone interesting has posted something.

Minho crouched next to me and traced his finger over my arm while he laid his head down on the free part of the armrest and looked at my phone with me. He moved his finger over my neck softly and looked at me with a smile.

"Okay what are you up to you sneaky little shit" I scooted a bit further away from him. He stood up and placed his right hand just above my shoulder and his left hand on the other side. The elder's knee was next to my hip and I leaned back into the cushions. "Come on binnie we both know the drill. I tease you for a second, you start getting into it and sometimes switch into sub, we have a makeout session and both treat it like the unimportant, small deal it is and continue being chill friends."

I don't know when it started, probably at a party, but we just ended up being like this. It's nothing serious, no relationship, no jealousy or bullshit. It just happens. (A/n let me be, I'm trying to dedicate some love to the least popular ships lmao)

"I'm not a sub." I raised my eyebrow at him and leaned forward, closer to his face. He grinned, wrapped his right hand around my throat and pushed me back against the chair forcefully. "Open your legs." he said and I hesitantly did, not really thinking much about it.

"Submissive." Minho chuckled and leaned closer to me, his leg on my left thigh. "Am not, you're just overpowering and you know it." I huffed and looked up at him. I chuckled and shrugged while still back against the cushions. "My mind isn't blurred enough to find you attractive yet."

Minho laughed softly while I brought the joint to my lips again. I blew the smoke in his face with a grin, then I got a videocall, Chan's number. The elder moved behind me with his left hand loosely around my neck while the other slipped under my shirt's neckline. I chuckled and answered the call, knowing Minho is being like this especially because Chan called.

Chan's smiling face appeared "Hey Binnieeee, oh hey Minh-..." I saw his eyes scannign over the screen, lingering on Minho's hands. He sighed and shook his head "Again? A-fucking-gain?"

Minho and I looked at eachother "We're not fucking?" I said with a raised eyebrow back at Chan. Minho turned my head back to him with his index finger from the hand around my neck "We could be?"

Chan laughed softly but quickly switched back to a more serious face "Some day one of you guys WILL catch feelings for the other and it's going to fuck you up. Woojin and I keep saying this, but you're never going to listen, are you?"

I took another sip on my joint and smiled at him "Catch feelings? For this ugly old catlady? Ew no, never."
"The feeling is mutual Jingjingie." Minho moved his right hand further down my shirt and almost buried his face in my neck.

"ANyways Channie, how's it there? Was the flight okay? Say hi to your mom for me~" I casually continue talking to him while I put my phone down on the table in front of the chair. I moved my, now free, hand to Minho's hair and absentmindedly massaged his scalp.

Chan sighed again "Fucking shameless hoes. Jk love you darlings, anyways here.... it's hot." He moved his phone lower, showing his sleeveless shirt and breezy shorts. "you LOOK hot, that's for sure." I purposely bit my lip so Chan would see.

"I would let you guys say hi to my family but since YOU," He looked and pointed at me "Are smoking and getting groped and YOU" he looked at the darkhaired next to me "are being a hoe, that'll have to wait for a bit. The flight went well, as always, and I'll say hi to everyone for you guys, now I'll call Woojin. See ya lateeeeeer"

"CU Changaroo" Minho smiled and put his head in my neck."Bye Channie~" I brought the joint to my lips one last time before tapping it out on a plate. I blew the smoke at the camera "You're going to have to end the call, I'm kind of stuck here."

Fall out boy's Last of the real ones was playing on the boxes and I softly hummed along. Minho had started kissing my neck while his right hand traced over my abs and his left hand moved over my arm. Chan quickly ended the call while I laid my head back against the chair. Minho's lips moved over my neck and sent a shiver down my spine.

The elder pulled his hand out of my shirt, moved in front of me and connected our lips with a smirk. He licked my lips and I granted him access, our tongues met and moved together. Minho practically right away won dominance and chuckled while his left hand moved up my thigh.

"Submiisiiive~" The elder said in a mocking voice. I frowned, got up, catching him off guard and turned us around, throwing him on the chair. I kept him against the chair by pressing his shoulder against it with my right hand and grabbed his chin with my left, making him look up.

"You fucking wish" I kissed him and this time I took the lead. My left knee was against his hip, keeping him in the chair. My left hand moved to his hair and I softly pulled on it. He frowned and moved his arms around my neck. That was fast-

"Sensitive much?" I chuckled and rubbed my leg over the man's crotch. He groaned and slapped my back "Shut the fuck up dwarf bitc-" I cut him off with a kiss and a harder pull on his hair. He let out a soft noise. I moved my hand down his arm, sqeezing his wrist tightly 

"Kinky cat lady"

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