Ch 3. Goodbye

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Seungmin pov

I walked home from school with a somewhat gloomy mood. I never was excited to go home, but this time that wasn't the reason. In 3 days Felix is going to his family in Australia so I'll have to say goodbye to my sunshine, and in two days the Christmas/holiday break is starting so I won't have a reason to leave the house anymore.

I silently opened the front door and walked inside, making as little noise as possible. I quickly went to my room, not planning to come out of it anymore today. With a bit of luck my dad won't come home today so me and my mom will be alone. I took off my sweater and laid on my bed, listening to music. About 10 minutes later I get startled by a knock on my door. "Min? Minnie?" I heard my mom's soft voice from outside my bedroom. I opened it and noticed a slightly off color next to her right eye.

"hey mom..." I smiled a bit. Her eyes widened and teared up when she looked at my body. "Did...Did your father..." She reached out for the bruise on my shoulder but didn't touch me. I shook my head "No, a man outside the 7/11 who wanted money. It's fine though". She retracted her hand and gave me a plate with food. 

"I-... I don't know if or when he'll be home today.. but you need to eat more. Look at yourself baby" I looked at my body and sure, I was a bit on the skinny side, but not THIN, so it's fine. My mom on the other hand was a lot thinner than the average lady her age, and her skin was very light because she didn't come outside often, only to go to her work and get groceries.

"Mom I'm fine, really. If anyone needs to eat more it's you" I held out the plate for her. She smiled but didn't take it. "I'm quite alright Minnie, I've got my own plate downstairs."
"Do you really?" I looked at her expression and for a splitsecond something flashed across her face, ruining the beautiful smile she showed me with furrowed eyebrows and her lips in a thin, sad line.

"Of course sweethe-"
"Don't try to lie to me mom. We already get lied to enough don't you think? I'll change, this is the last time, only one more... I'm so sorry.. I love you... They're all fucking lies and you KNOW IT" I accidentally snapped at her. I quickly regained my composure and apologized "I didn't mean to yell at you mom.... Today was a lot... Don't look afraid like that, I'd never hurt you... Please.. mom..." I gently held her hand after she backed away from me and pressed a soft kiss on her fingers.

"I'm not scared of you baby..." She stepped closer and put her hand on top of mine. "Felix is leaving Friday right? Are you going to go to the airport with him?" she changed the topic. "I think I will, he's one of my best friends and asked me to come along so I might as well go..."

She nodded "I'd better go downstairs now. You just relax okay?"
"Tell me if you need help with anything mom"
"Of course♡"
We both knew she wouldn't ask me even if there was something she couldn't do.

My father didn't come home that night and we slept somewhat peacefully.

Three days later

"Don't miss me too much sweethearts ~♡" Felix yelled while hugging us. He was afraid of flying, but not afraid enough to stop being a crackhead. He hugged Jisung and Jeongin tightly. The Australian gave me a warm and tight hug, making me flinch a bit because of Tuesday's bruises and a fresh hit on my back. Felix looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I worked out yesterday and I'm sore lol" I smiled brightly at him and hugged him again, ignoring the sting. "Do not dare change your mind and stay there forever Lix, I need my sunshine with me here" Jeongin and Jisung agreed. "Message or call us when you arrive yeah?" Jisung said while once again throwing his arms around the boy. "Of course Sung, it'll be the first thing I do when I'm there"

"Goodbye my darlings, until we meet again~" he dramatically stated while walking through the security gate. Jisung, Jeongin and I stayed until he was entirely out of sight. We eventually headed home, all heading our separate ways. I was in the bus on my way home and heard joyful noise from the back of the bus. I looked around and noticed a group of five, very drunk, men of around 25 years old. I don't really blame them, a lot of office workers go drinking with or without their colleagues, it was Friday evening after all.

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