Ch 8. The first hello

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Changbin pov

My head is laying on something soft. What is this soft softness. Why the fuck is it not soft anymore.

I opened my eyes and realized my head was on Minho's arm. I got up off the floor and looked at the sleeping man's naked upper body. I chuckled when I thought about yesterday. It got kinda wild. I picked up some empty bottles and walked to the kitchen in my sweatpants.

He won after all... a pillow hit my back and I was face to face with a puffy-faced Minho with a big grin. "I won bitch" I sighed "Good for you" and threw away the bottles with my back turned towards him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me against him with a smirk. 

"What do you want now?" I turned my head away from him with a fake frown while he moved his hand over my abs "I want you to admit that you'll never beat me at Mario Kart" He said with a mocking tone.

"Sorry, I don't lie." I chuckled, receiving a harsh squeeze of Minho's arms. He blew in my neck making me squirm at the tickling feeling "It's not a lie you little shit, you'll never be better than me"

"Yeah sure. Now, let's get coffee at that cute place downtown!"
"You literally have a fancy-ass coffee machine" He put his head on my shoulder.
"Your point is?" I wiggled out of his hold and grabbed my shirt.
"Then why spend too much money on coffee that isn't that much better?"

"Because the staff is really cute and nice and they have a chill aesthetic?" That got his attention while he picked up his shirt as well "Cute staff?"
"A guy and a girl who work nearly always, they're absolutely adorable"
"Sounds great! Let's go, hurry up"
"This bitch istg"


We were in the coffeeshop and Minho agreed that both the waiter and waitress that worked today are absolutely adorable. They were apparently a couple but that didn't keep Minho from winking at the man, who rolled his eyes but smiled and raised his eyebrow in a teasing way in return. 

Later the girl served our coffee and with a giggle she turned to Minho "Don't I get a wink as well?" He laughed and sent her an extra wink with fingerguns. She blew a kiss with a wide smile before she walked to her colleague, backhugging him. I shook my head and sipped on my coffee "Why are you like this"

"I don't know, maybe my parents smacked my head in between the door and the wall when I was young. Or maybe I just enjoy this more?" He drank his coffee while smugly glancing at me over the edge of his cup. I chuckled and put the point of my shoe against his. "Chan is chilling in shorts and 'thongs' right now, and then there's us in our thick shirts and wintercoats... I'd almost be jealous" 

A while later we just walked around town a bit and in a not so good part of town Minho nudged my arm "Binnie, I challenge you to act like me to the next person we see" I raised my eyebrow at him "Like a flirty tsundere hoe?"

"If that's what you want to call it"
"Aisssshwhateversure" I sighed and shrugged I don't really have much to lose.

We walked past a cute boy, who was sitting on his doorstep with his forearms crossed over eachother, leaning on his knee. He was very cute but something in his face was off. His dark almond eyes had a glossy look and his lips were completely expressionless. He had a bandaid on the side of his face and his hand and part of his arm were bandaged. What has happened to him...

I looked at Minho with a raised eyebrow. This boy? He looked like his mind was far from his body and I didn't want to upset him more. Minho shrugged and nudged my side. Did he not see the boy's expression? Couldn't he see the bandages? Why does Minho seem so unbothered by these things? I sighed and put on a smile and raised my eyebrow slightly "Good morning gorgeous, is something bothering you?"

He looked at me and seemed to wake up from his daze. "I- uhm.. n-no, I'm alright. Thank you for asking though" He nodded slightly at me and faked a smile. Minho seemed to take it for granted and kept on walking.

I took a closer look at the boy and saw his smile wavered for a second. I then noticed red stains on his hands (and their bandages) "Oh... sweetheart, you might want to take a look at your hands" He looked at his hands and his eyes widened while a blush pulled over his cheeks.

"SO SORRY SIR!!! I promise it's nothing weird! Thank you for letting me know, good day mister!" And he sprinted inside, closing the door behind him. That was weird. Adorable, but weird. He addressed me as Sir and Mister, even though he looked only a little younger than me... Either very polite or bad at guessing ages.

"Yo trashbin, you coming or what?" Minho called out from the end of the street. I quickly walked back to him. "See, that wasn't that hard" He grinned at me while he put an arm around my shoulders. "Didn't you see something interesting about that boy?"

"If by interesting you mean adorable and daydreaming, yeah, I did" He chuckled. I shook my head and looked behind me one last time, accidentally looking directly into their house through the kitchen window, to see the boy carefully washing his hands. I wonder who he is..

Seungmin pov

I'm washing my mother's blood off my hands while I think about what happened. I was thinking about what would become of me and my mother if we stayed in this house for much longer. My father had beaten her knockout and left her bleeding before he left and even after waking up she just laid on the floor. 

I thought she was dead when I saw her laying like that, but thank god she was still alive and didn't break anything. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she didn't let me. Neither did she let me touch or help her. Now she's in the bathroom under a cold shower to cool her body and clean the wounds. 

I don't know who that guy outside was but I hope he didn't think anything weird of my hands. I looked up, out of the window and made direct eyecontact with him. I felt my cheeks become bright red and basically dropped to the ground with my hands crossed in front of my chest.

What's this feeling... Why does my heart feel like this after a mere look of some guy I've never seen... It must be nerves. Yes, that's it. He's making me nervous because he might think something weird of what he saw! what if he calls the police.... I can make something up. I always can.

My back is pressed against the cupboard under the sink while I try to calm myself down. I breathe out slowly and get startled when my phone rings. It's Felix, a videocall. I quickly tried to cover the bandage and small wound on my face with my hair and stand with my back towards the light so he doesn't get a clear look at my face.

"Hey Lixie~ How are youuu?" I put on a bright smile and excited voice.
"Hey darling!! I'm great, it's so hot here like hOW!" He turned a pirouette to show off the surroundings. He pulled his mom in screen with his arm around her shoulders.
"Hello miss. Lee!! Early merry Christmas to you and your family!" I waved at her excitedly.

She smiled back "Hello sweetheart!! Same to you Seungminnie" 
A few moments later his mom left and my arm started to get tired so I switched hands. "Minnie you look so cute! Your hair is so poofy I just want to fluff it!" Felix cooed and I put my hand under my chin, making a cute pose.

"Minnieee, your hand.... Why are you bandaged?" Felix asked with a frown. "Oh I cut myself while chopping an apple up" I giggled and showed off the bandages, pretending I didn't feel like a kid caught while stealing candy. Felix sighed and shook his head with a smile "bby you need to be careful! I'm not there to kiss your booboo's better now!"

"....don't ever say that again." I dryly said and turned my face serious. "Minnieeee don't be so cold!! You love me and you know it"
"yes sweetheart I love you very much. I think Rachel is trying to get your attention though, and my mom called me so I gotta go"
"So soon?"
"I'm sorry sunshine, we'll call again soon!!"
"Love you bro"
"Love you too bro"

And we ended the call. My mom didn't utter a word, I just wanted to get out of the call as soon as I could. I'll call him back when I'm more presentable. I shouldn't bother my sunshine with this.

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