Ch 15. Angry

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Changbin pov

I looked at the boy next to me, who seemed to be examining his wound while Jinyoung refreshed the bandages. My hand laid on his calve, and gave it a little squeeze. " 'only a scratch' right puppy?" He sighed and turned his head away from me, which wasn't very effective because his legs were over my lap. He pushed the pretty glasses he was now wearing instead of the contacts, which we didn't even realize he had, up his nose.

"It doesn't even actually hurt. It just stings a littl- shhhhh" a sharp inhale through his teeth with parted lips interrupted his defense, showing that just the opposite is true. I laid back against the couch and subconsciously tap his leg. Jinyoung smiled softly and rubbed Seungmin's thigh. "By the way, Seungminnie, I thought you said you live with your parents. Are they like on a trip or something?"

Seungmin seemed to hesitate for a second "yeah.. I don't know exactly when they'll be back though" Jaebum nodded and leaned back into the fauteuil, it's old leather making a soft sound while the worn off parts and rips get stretched even further. He, probably accidentally, looks a strange lot like a negotiator at the police, about to switch from good cop to bad cop.

"Did they give you money or something?" He looked directly at Seungmin, who 'casually' avoided his eyes by pretending to inspect the pillow of his own couch. "Yeah, some, why?" Jaebum sighed and folded his left leg so his ankle was resting on his knee. He was leaning on his arm with his elbow on the armrest, that probably used to be smooth brown, yet now worn off so it's faded into a Latte like creme color. "Because the fridge was practically empty, besides some expired products. So were the cabinets I checked to find a glass for the water."

Jaebum sighed and continued "Basically there's no food in the house except for the breakfast we got and this," he held up an opened box "half empty pack of crackers, and a quite extravagant variety of alcoholic drinks." Seungmin shrugged and mumbled "I was going to get food today, I wasn't exactly planning on getting into an argument with some random guy" why don't I believe that he had plans for today

Jinyoung huffed and clasped the hooks that attach the bandages together. "An argument? That's what you'd call that?" Seungmin looked at the neatly wrapped bandages with amazement, indirectly ignoring Jinyoung's comment. "Puppy, I'm not letting you go grocery shopping on your own in this condition. I'll help." I tapped his leg while leaning on the armrest with my right elbow. The younger sighed almost invisibly and straightened his back "it's not that I don't appreciate your caring and helping me, but I'm fine on my own. I can easily walk and lifting things isn't an issue either so you can just let me be now"

Jinyoung and Jaebum were talking softly on the other side of the room. I chuckled and turned to the boy with an almost mocking grin "it's not that I don't appreciate your need to be independent, but for at least today I'll stick annoyingly close to you until I'm sure you're actually okay again. Puppy you've got to understand that if I ASK if I should stay by your side, you can decline. If I don't ask, I will, whether you want me to or not"
"But- ugh.." Seungmin shot up with a frown, only to have his eyes roll up a little and fall sideways against the backrest of the couch.

The boy lowered his head and I heard a shaky breath while he raised his right hand, his fingers tangled in his messy hair. What has he done to deserve this? I saw faded marks on his back when we pulled off his sweater and I need to know the truth behind those. That's an issue for later. I placed my index finger and thumb on his chin, slowly raising his head up to face me. "Look at your state pup. You can't pretend to be okay right now, no one would believe you. So just be honest yeah?" His eyes were empty and his lips pulled in a thin line of seemingly built up annoyance.

"You want me to be honest? Then I will" he didn't move away from my hold yet, probably because he knew it'd hurt. He looked directly into my eyes with a frown and a disgusted expression as he basically spat out the words. "I am very thankful to you all for helping me when I weakened a bit, but now I want you to leave and let me take care of myself for I have always done that and been perfectly fine the past 19 years. I can very well deal with my own problems and do not need a fucking nanny to look after me all the time. If you think of a way I can repay you, let me know.  I owe you because of this whole happening and I can't stand it. Now please leave my house and have a very nice day."

I felt anger starting to burn in me but I tried to ignore it. "Thank you for your honesty. Sadly, I will not listen to your kind requests" I felt how my expression darkened. My voice became softer, growly. Whatever. He pissed me off and he's more than welcome to know about it. "I'm not going to leave you here, knowing you could kill yourself out of ignorance for your injuries. Now I'd recommend you just let us care for you, since you clearly don't do that yourself. Seriously, in what fantasy world are you living that you think we'd just leave you like this?! You're supposed to be in a hospital right now, not on your dusty couch."

I looked his face and body up and down, still holding his chin "and in case you hadn't noticed yet, I could already easily overpower you normally, let alone now. The thing, however, is that I would far rather have you willingly listening to us than having to physically force you to take care. Don't you agree with me puppy?" Seungmin looked at me with big eyes and something of.. Fear? I sighed softly. Very smart trashbin, somewhat threatening a possibly abused angel. "Minnie, don't get me wrong, I'd never hurt you. I doubt I even could, looking at how sweet you are. Just let us care for you. I promise being helped isn't half bad"

The younger's eyes changed and he bit the inside of his cheek in frustration. He looked away from me and mumbled a barely audible "..whatever makes you feel better about yourself..." I smirked and let go of his chin after stroking his cheek with my thumb. "Thanks Minnie. Lean back again okay? We'll list what you need from the store." We did as said, Seungmin grumpily doing the things I asked or told him to. A while later I left to the store after making sure Jb and Jinyoung kept a close eye on the boy.

When I returned Seungmin was complaining about having to take another painkiller. This kid, I swear. What am I supposed to do with his stubborn ass to just have him give up on resisting our help. A few hours later we were all having dinner together and talking about whether we -or one of us- should stay here for the night, leave, or have Seungmin stay at our place, for his parents weren't home anyways. When we talked about having him stay at mine he answered the most direct "NO." I had ever heard, and a bit less powerful when talking about Jb and Jinyoung's, so we decided he'd just stay at theirs for now.

I koala carried the boy to Jb's car and gently put him down "watch your head pup" he obediently lowered his head into the curve of my neck and held on tight with his legs and right arm. Cutie. Maybe he secretly does like cuddles. Jinyoung proposed for me to come along and Seungmin silently laid back against the chair, which I took as a 'sure', so I joined them. When we arrived I, again, koala carried the younger. I softly spoke in his ear while I tapped his leg "don't hate me because I want you to stay alive Minnie." I chuckled and held him closer "if you want to hate me, do it because I'm annoying or something like that."

I heard a soft scoff, probably originally a starting giggle and his hold on my shoulders tightened. "Kaykay, then I will hate you because... Uhm... Because your arms are muscly?" I grinned and laughed softly while stepping into the house "you think only my arms are muscly? If that were the case I'd be out of proportion." I saw how his ears became a bit red and squeezed him a bit "hey, ya little nasty, what are you thinking about?" The boy shook his head.

"Nothing" I put him down on a couch Jb pointed to and leaned forward with my hands on my knees so our faces were aligned. "You're a bit pink over 'nothing' Min. " he quickly covered his ears and huffed "don't worry, it's cute." Wait.. Am I flirting? Am I? Huh?... "Changbin, do you want to sleep here as well? We've got plenty place and supplies" Jinyoung walked into the room with his arms full of blankets and a pillow. "Ah no, I'll head home in a bit. Is it okay if I come over tomorrow though?"

"Don't ask silly questions, of course it is."
After we had tea/coffee and biscuits I decided to head home. I wouldn't leave him alone like this normally but he's in great hands when with Jinyoung and jb. Seungmin was napping for a moment when I started saying goodbye, yet he woke up when I began heading to the front door. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and fixed his glasses. "...hey..." I waved at him with a small smile he's so cute- "hey minnie. I'm heading to my house now, but I'll visit you tomorrow and bring some snacks and stuff"

I'm bringing plenty tasty snacks for at least two days but he doesn't need to know that. The younger seemed to hesitate but then stretched out his arms and sat up slowly, still looking sleepy. I felt my heart melt and quickly walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist in a tight hug. "I didn't know you liked hugs, puppy" he held me tight, still glowing from his nap. "Besides Felix, Jisung and Jeongin's, neither did I" I gently ruffled his poofy hair and hugged him close once more. "Cutie"

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