Chapter 16: Save Me

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This Chapter will be in Chloe's POV: quick perspective change
Niki and I exchanged firm nods as her and Agent May drove away towards the warehouse. I quickly checked the coms once Niki got a reasonable distance away and she could hear me loud and clear.

"Clarks on his way to get Oliver and then him and I will break in the news." I reconfirmed with her.

"Got in. May and I are 15 from the warehouse. I'll call in when we make it."

I nodded to myself as acknowledgement to her words while bringing up the tracker that I placed from within their vehicle. I lowered the screen quickly when I heard a sudden barrage of footsteps approaching from the stairway.

"Chloe." Clark called out carefully as he and Oliver ascended the steps. I needn't fake an expression of apprehension or concern. It was all I felt. All I could do was cross my fingers and pray this "plan" of mine would push Oliver out of his rut instead of him diving deeper. Clark was calm but concerned, as he should be. Oliver looked unamused and bored with our presence but the more he analyzed our faces, his expression began showing some curiosity and concern. Clark and I stood their quiet for a moment and Oliver began glancing back and forth at us. Eventually the silence was broken.
"So are you two shaking up or what?" He questioned boldly with a spec of sarcasm prevelent. Clarks expression changed to surprise/confusion as he looked at Oliver and denied the thought. I just gave a quick snippy, "No." and wanted to roll my eyes for him even suggesting such a juvenile thing.

"Well theres obviously something on your minds and if you aren't going to tell me then I got other places to be." He turned swiftly and headed towards the elevator. By places he, most likely, meant bars. I had to do this quick but I didn't know how to execute or how'd he react. My mind was racing with doubt now. Had he truly gone that far in giving up. Would he even care that Niki was gone? He had to care. There must be something within him that cared for her still. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's truly done, maybe what I saw between them wasn't real. Maybe Niki was right, he never cared for her and maybe he did go to a dark side. Oh snap out of it Chloe! I coaxed myself boldly, just say it!
"Oliver wait." Clark tried to help but Ollie just kept walking.
"Oliver" Clark called out again
"Nikis been taken." The words came out louder than I expected and suddenly a deafening  silence struck the room as Oliver stopped in his tracks. He turned towards me slowly and I could tell by his expression the next thing that he would say.
"She's gone." I added more sincerely and grimly.
"What do you mean gone?" He spoke slow at first but I could see anxiety start sweeping over him.
"She was taken earlier this afternoon?"
"By who?" He asked more firmly
"We don't know." He turned away sharply at my response and stood with his hand over his mouth before running it through his hair.
"Have tried searching for her or anything?" His tone was rising with irritation as he gestured towards me.
"I started looking before you guys came in."
I quickly turned to my computer and began fiddling with the keys. Nothing. I made sure the screen showed nothing. I looked back at Ollie to see if he was watching he turned around again in frustration. He ran his hand through his hair one more time before shoving over a side table which resulted in the breaking a few glasses and a vase.
"Clark, I ovaries coordinates of Nikis last location. Maybe you can scout ahead and find traces." Clark nodded and zipped out of the office immediately, leaving Oliver and I alone in the tower. I could feel the tension rising from inside him and did my best to calm him down; though I wasn't really sure if I wanted him calm. He needed to be worked up! He needed to find her. He needed to bring the Green Arrow back.
"Oliver." He held up his hand as I tried to speak. I swallowed firmly before trying again.
"Oliver we're going to find her alright. We're gonna bring her back."
"Yeah, we damn well better." With a harsh glare he stormed out of the building. I hoped it was a good sign. Based on his eyes, I saw determination and a bit of fury. Hopefully it would mean he'd get his act together and get back to who he was. After Oliver left, I called in to Niki to confirm she had reached the warehouse her and May were setting up but I held back the news on Oliver.
"Any updates." Clarks voice rose from behind me.
"Niki and May are setting up." Suddenly the elevator shaft opened. Clark and I turned about swiftly and low an behold. It was Oliver. More specifically Green Arrow. Decked out in his full get up. I tried to hold back a smile. I couldn't give it away and I couldn't get my hopes up so soon.
"Did you find anything Clark?"
"I got traces of a vehicle headed North of Nikis and tracked it to a warehouse. She could be there." Clark confirmed and gave me a small nod.
"We'll start there then. Chloe get us an inside look of the building and its perimeter. We don't know what's waiting for us when we get there."

"You got it." I nodded and quickly turned towards my computer. With a small smile, I tapped away at the keys and brought up the overview of the warehouse. Oliver and Clark headed out immediately upon the visual heat signatures we received.
"Niki." I pressed the button on my com to signal her, "He's on the way, Phase two starts now."

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