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A/N: sorry in advance.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee were the perfect parents you could ask for. Despite their packed schedule, they didn't fail to shower their only child an overflowing dose of love and affection. Mrs. Lee always picks him up after school and cooks for him at home even if they have a dozen maids to do so. Mr. Lee studies with him before going to sleep. He can talk to his parents about anything and has a strong bond with them. They really are the best parents.

And Jeno wants to be the perfect son for them.

So when his mom and dad spoke to him a month ago, he didn't hesitate to say yes. He still vividly remembers that sunny afternoon when he returned from school.

He has been waiting for his mother for an hour, uncomfortable and worried, thinking about the worst case scenarios in the back of his head. He is almost crying, luckily he got a message from his mother.

Mama: Jeno, sorry I couldn't pick you up. Go home right away when you get my message. Papa and I will be waiting for you. Get home safe, we love you.

By this, his face lights up. He waited for the next bus with a goofy smile. He came home a quarter of an hour later. He hastily untied his shoes and tossed them on the shoe rack. He went into the living room, his parents were already there and they were not alone. They have guests.

"Mama. . ." He whispered. Mrs. Lee rose from her seat, offered him a hug, and guided him to sit down from the empty space between her and Mr. Lee. Suddenly he felt uncomfortable. The air was getting thick and heavy. Mr. Lee cleared his throat, has a stern expression on his face. Jeno felt a slight squeeze in his hands, probably from his mother. He looked up at her and met her gaze. She has an apologetic smile on her face.

"Jeno, these are Mr. and Mrs. Na." He tore his gaze away from his mother to look in the direction of his father. They are familiar. Jeno couldn't understand where he had met them. Mrs. Na has a small smile on her face. She's nice. Jeno declares. Mr. Na was preoccupied, his eyes dangled elsewhere. The silence was deafening, uncomfortable and embarrassing.

"Papa?" Jeno calls on. Mr. Lee was brought out of his trance, whispered a few words of apology and continued. "They are your future mother and father-in-law." He finishes, lips were pressed in a thin line. Apparently, not interested in talking further.

He let out an audible gasp, his eyes widening in shock. He tries to process massive information. Jeno was only 19 years old. Too young, he has so much to learn and discover. Marriage? What the hell is going on? Jeno does his best to understand and process everything. He has his head hung low, staring at the polished floor like it's the coolest thing ever. He was silent for a few minutes. Breathe in and out before meeting their gazes. Everyone was staring at him patiently, waiting for his answer.

"I agree." He says. Ms. Lee seemed surprised, even Mr. Lee, who shows hardly any emotion, was too. He gave both of his parents a reassuring smile. "Jeno. . ." Her mother trails off. This time it was Jeno who gave her a light squeeze. Mouthing "I'll take care of it, Mom, don't worry." Before meeting his soon-to-be in-laws.

He bowed to them, muttering little apology for ignoring their presence earlier. Mrs. Na smiled at him before introducing herself as well as Mr. Na. They were nice. They spoke softly and gently, it is soothing, he thought. Jeno has already taken a liking to them. Now, Jeno remembers them. They are the ones who organized the charity event they attended a year ago. How could he ever forget their faces? Their faces could be seen almost everywhere on televisions, newspapers, magazines. Mr. Na was a well-known politician. And Mrs. Na was a successful business woman.

Now it all makes sense. His father's company has not been doing well in recent months. Their debts were greater than their income. His father dismisses the subject as soon as he opens it up. There have been some changes in their house that he noticed; they decrease the number of maids decreased, from a dozen to four, his mother is selling her luxury collection. It clicks, their company may be on the verge of bankruptcy, and the only solution available was to merge the two companies.

Now everything makes sense. His father's company wasn't doing well for the past few months. Their debts were higher than their earnings. His father brushes off the topic as soon as he opened it. There were some changes in their house that he noticed; they lessen the number of maids, from a dozen to four, his mother is selling her luxury collection. It clicks, their company might be nearing to bankruptcy, and the only solution that was available was to merge both companies.

Mrs. Na, smiled warmly at him, bidding him farewell by telling him to think about it for a week.

It didn't even take a week for Ms. Na to receive an email from Jeno. She cried for joy and called for her husband to come closer and read the email out loud for her. When he was done, they both shared a mutual expression; happiness. Both of them were enthusiastic and eager to welcome the new member of the Na Family.

By the time Jeno sent the email, he was so sure about it. He has no doubts. It's the only way to help his family and the best way to repay their sacrifices. There is no turning back. They have been nothing but the best for him and now is the time to pay back.

He had a heartful conversation with his mother and father after Mr. and Mrs. Na left. Mrs. Lee cried as they spoke. Heart to heart, it melts him. They told him the whole situation and tried their best to make him understand certain things, he hadn't paid attention either. The situation was simply too overwhelming for him.

"Jen, we're sorry to have to drag you into this mess." Ms. Lee said weakly, her lower lips quivering as she tried to keep from crying. And she did, she couldn't keep tears from running down her face from the corner of her eye. She was too ashamed of herself. Guilt eating her alive. Jeno hugged her tightly and whispered words of comfort to her.

Mr. Lee also joined the embrace. His eyes were bloodshot, he probably cried when they weren't looking, the expression remains calm and tough. His father's façade was gone when Jeno said. "Mama, Papa. . . It will be fine. I will make sure I take care of myself. Don't cry anymore, it hurts. " He giggled with a sniff. Mr. Lee broke down in tears.

"You're the best parent I could wish for. Thank you so much. I love you, Mama, Papa."

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