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Of course, there were days where they would have disagreements, misunderstandings and heated arguments that would lead them both to resent each other. 

"You always come home late!" Jeno exclaimed, his tone a little higher than usual. His voice was imbued with a hint of jealousy and irritation. Who wouldn't get angry? And jealous? If your husband is rarely home and always comes home late. Jaemin didn't recognize his presence, ignored him and proceed to their bedroom to get change. Jeno doesn't know what got into him and followed Jaemin inside. 

"Jaemin." He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist on his side. Jaemin is not currently in the mood to deal with Jeno's hormones. He's tired from work and has barely slept for days. "Jeno, please not now." He pleaded by sliding his fingers to undo his tie. He tossed his coat and tie in random directions, fatigue written all over his body. He badly wants to take a rest, sleep all day until his muscles ache (from sleeping too much).

"Why? Are you tired of me? You don't love me anymore?" Jeno asked in a trembling voice. His lips were quivering as he did his best to stop himself from crying. He bit his lips as he stared at his husband's figure with a pair of shining eyes. He knew he was acting like a bitch. He knew that asking these questions would only make Jaemin's irritation spike. 

He knew Jaemin was just tired of work. Jeno knew to himself that Jaemin would never tire of him. He wants Jaemin to reassure him as he always does. Shower him with affection. Be glued to his side. Jeno misses Jaemin so much. "Tell me Jaemin, answer me." Jeno taunted, taking a step forward. His body trembled. 

He knew what he was going to say, Jeno just wanted to hear it. He has no problem with Jaemin coming home late every day. He yearns for Jaemin, his Jaemin. And maybe, being bitchy and surly is the only way to get Jaemin to talk and spend time with him. "I'm tired Jeno! Stop, just stop. " Jaemin raised his voice, seething with anger. His tears spilled from the corner of his eyes synchronous to the downpour outside. Jeno forced himself to smile. "Okay, I'm-I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry Jaemin." He added, before heading for the door. Jeno twisted the knob and dejectedly glanced at his husband. He looked calm and relaxed as he sprawled across their bed. He walked out of the room, meticulously closing the door behind him, fearing it might create a sound that might add into Jaemin's irritation. 

"Finally!" Jaemin exclaimed, burying himself under the thick warm blankets. Sorry. Jeno entered his room that he hadn't used for nearly a year. Maybe it's time to use it again. His belongings were still clean and organized, but it's a bit dusty. He should also change the sheet and pillowcases. He was solely responsible for feeling upset. And he hates it.

Jeno focused his attention on cleaning in hopes that it might stop him from thinking too much. But he didn't, Jaemin's word sounded like a broken record. Minho kicked hard, it made him staggered. 

"Aw Minho, is mom making you mad too? Sorry." He mumbled (felt bad) as he stroked his bump. Jeno woke up earlier than usual. So to make up with Jaemin, he went into the kitchen to make breakfast and also to rehearse his written apology. 

Jeno was wearing a beige cardigan as he was a bit cold, sleeping alone. He pulled the knitted sweater closer to his body as he shuffled from counter to counter while cooking. He wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. 

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