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Though he didn't ask, Mark gave him a guide on don't and do's during first date. He listened intently, and considered taking notes. He couldn't be more thankful having a friend like him. He also learned that day that Jeno hasn't have any past relationship or flings, which made him more pressured.

1.) Show him who you really are.

As he strolled around, he came across into an antique shop. Upon stepping a foot inside, he immediately got cozy and romantic. Salut D' Amour softly playing in the background, moving from rack to another. He spotted a vintage vinyl player at the bottom part of the shelf. Smiles reaching his eyes when his gaze landed on the vinyl records section. The beatles Vinyl Collection in fully displayed, neat and alluring.

He went next to the food stalls that were lined on the side of the street. Dremies' Food stall has been popular for serving Japanese street food. The place was crowded, he was even elbowed and stepped on a few times while waiting in line. Their Imagawayaki still taste the same. Still taste the best. It was his favorite among the menu. It melts in his mouth, delightful as it always has been. "I want Jeno to try this." Smiling to his heart's content.

He wants to share these little things with Jeno.

As he thinks of sharing more of himself to Jeno he came into realization; this is how being in love with someone.

2.) Don't make anything about yourself.

He wants to know Jeno more. To relate to him. To become closer to him.

He felt his phone vibrating on his pocket. He fumbled on his pocket, fishing out his phone. It was his mom. He brought his phone close to his ear, covering the other with his hands in able to understand what she'll say, he's out in public, it's noisy.

"Jeno is a cat person. You're welcome." That was all she said before hanging up. Confusion written all over his face. What's up with the sudden information? His face heated up, realizing what she meant. She must have heard his and Jeno's conversation earlier. He facepalms, searching for the nearest cat café.

Jaemin wasn't a cat nor a dog person. Both were adorable in their own way. Knowing Jeno is cat person, he thinks cats are ten percent cuter than dogs. The Siamese rubs itself into his legs, it tickled him. He pets the cat, leans itself more into him purring.

Out of nowhere he received a message from his mother. A random information again.

"Jeno likes strawberry cake." He hates anything strawberry flavored stuffs. Whatever, he wouldn't die if he ate one, right? He ordered a slice of strawberry cake. He irked the moment it was served on his table. Stabbing it with his fork, showing no intention on eating it. He felt pairs of eyes staring at him, throwing him weird stares. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You can do it." He hypes himself up.

He brought it closer to his lips, smelling its sugary scent. He swallowed the lump on his throat, closing his eyes. He took his first bite, it doesn't taste bad. But he still can't stand it. After finishing his first bite chugged his iced coffee in one go.

3.) Tell him how you feel.

It was random, but his foot brought him; inside the jewelry shop. They all look nice, pretty, and expensive. Shinning, beautiful sets were before his eyes. They didn't appeal on him. He sighed, leaving the store. There were no jewelry shops nearby. He's a little tired, foot sore from walking. He settles himself into a bench, taking deep breathes.

When he gathered enough strength, he started another walk.

There was another jewelry store. He scanned the items displayed, frustrated since most of them were identical to were he was from. He was close to giving up, fortunately he overheard the sales lady talking. "It's really cute, if I have money, I'll buy this." She jokes. "If you ever did, It won't suit you." His co-worker remarked, earning series of hits on her shoulder. Jaemin excuses +himself, asking if they can show him what they were talking about. They were hesitant at first, because of how sketchy he looks like. He waves his black card at them, shocked apparent from their faces, whispering apologies.

Within a minute, they were able to present him pair of rings. It was beautiful. It looks simple yet it holds strong emotions. It was silver, embedded with diamonds that was formed into crescent moon. It reminds him so much of Jeno. It reminds him of how beautiful his smiles are. He bought it without any hesitation.


It was late when he came home. The lights were already out. Not really, when he stumbles upon the livingroom. Some drama was playing on the television. They must have forget. . . he whispered beneath his breath grabbing the remote controller from the table, turning it off.

He heard soft snores behind him, turning painfully slow, he saw Jeno passed out on the couch. His lips were parted and drooling. He chuckled, ruffling Jeno's hair. He doesn't have a heart to wake him up, leaving him no choice but to carry the older to his room. Jaemin scooped Jeno off his feet, an arm underneath his thighs and another on his back.

The flight upstairs were longer and tiring as per usual. But with this Jeno, drooling on his chest, he wouldn't mind.

He carefully tucked him into his bed, almost out of his breath when Jeno wouldn't let go of his arm, clutching it tighter on his chest. Jaemin tried and successfully get off from the elder's grip. Cooing when he whined in the confines of his dream. And clutches into nothing.

"Goodnight Jeno, sleep well." 

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