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 8 months. . .

"So how is our dearest friend doing?" Donghyuck bursts into a loud laugh, having most of the patrons in the cafe turn their heads to their table. Renjun apologized on behalf of his friend, who tries hard not to burst out laughing. Jeno sat awkwardly across from Donghyuck, shaking her head in disbelief. Renjun nudges Donghyuck, groaning from the tanned male. Although they have been enrolled at the same university (SMU) for months, they rarely meet on campus. For several reasons. Like studying different courses, not having common lessons together, and finally, because their schedule doesn't match.does"I always wonder, how come you became my friend."Renjun glared at Donghyuck, then rolled his eyes. 

"Because I'm so great. Be grateful, I am your friend. " Donghyuck sneered. "Whatever you say." Renjun let's out a scornful laugh, turning his face away. Jeno sighs, he couldn't understand why he was constantly there every time they'll banter or laughed in derision on each other. 

 "By the way, how are you doing?" Renjun asked kindly and smiled innocently at him. Donghyuck choked on his drink. "Things are going well." He said smiling at the thought of his daily routine with Jaemin. 

"Is he good?" Donghyuck interrupted and got a look from Renjun. "Good at what?" Jeno asked cluelessly. "In bed." Donghuck teased, Renjun kicked his legs under the table. He hissed in pain and glared at Renjun. Jeno's face turned crimson red, he didn't think about it or will think about it. As Donghyuck opened up the topic, he began to think of inappropriate thoughts that embarrassed him more red than ever. 

"N-don't talk about that in public!" Renjun scolds, Jeno hides his face with his palms, his face warming further. "About what, sex?" Donghyuck bluntly said, smiling. Renjun cursed in Chinese, ready to knock the light out of the youngest. 

"Donghyuck, I swear I'll smack you so hard that your non-existent brain will fly out of your skull." Renjun warned that Donghyuck had stuck his tongue at the eldest, rilling him up more. 

"KIDDINg, what I'm talking about was what Na Jaemin is like to his husband." Renjun sighs with relief. Donghyuck wiped the smirk from his face, replacing it with a warm smile. "He's nice, really nice. He cooks well, does most of the household chores and he's very sweet." 

Donghyuck and Renjun exchange glances, all ears still on Jeno. "Every time he does that, I don't know, but my heart begins to beat erratically against my chest and when he kisses me in a warm hug every time he came home, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. . . A- and he will always say he loves me, throw compliments at me at random, that's right. . . I think I love him. " Jeno flushed, a little embarrassed by what he said. 

 "Okay, we're both one hundred percent sure that he feels the same too." Renjun said, smiling affectionately at Jeno. "Have you ever replied to his I love you's?" Donghyuck asked. Jeno gently shook his head, muttering a no. Donghyuck nods, "Ah, that's why he talks a lot with Mark these days." He concluded. Feeling smarter. 

 "I think you should tell him how you feel." Renjun encouraged and patted his back. "I will," Jeno said. Jeno was never good with words. But he wants Jaemin to know, he must know. The trio then continued to talk to each other to catch up with each other. Jaemin has not yet returned home and it is starting to worry him. He nervously bit his nails as anxiety starts to build upon his chest. 

He closes his eyes to help him relax, but those anxious thoughts keep flashing in his mind. His eyes began to water when it shouldn't be. He walks over to the library Jaemin set up last month, grabbing his favorite book. He sat down on the sofa and made himself comfortable, patiently waiting for Jaemin. He turned the pages, completely out of focus. He read a paragraph more than three times, he still couldn't understand what it was. He may have had a book in his hand, but his attention was elsewhere.

Soon he heard the front door unlock, revealing the man he had been thinking about the whole day. He threw himself on the younger, causing them to fall to the ground. He rubbed his face against the crook of Jaemin's neck. 

"Jeno, are you okay? Are you hurt? " Jaemin asked, rubbing circles on his back. Jeno swallows a gasp and tears escape from his eyes. "Jeno?" Jaemin asked. "S-sorry." Jeno lifts his face from the crook of her neck, wiping tears with her sleeves, sniffing it. Jeno pulls away from the younger one, pushing Jaemin to sit down. 

"I'm just glad you came home." He started playing with his shirt. "I just need to tell you something." Jeno lifts his gaze from the ground and meets Jaemin's. He put his hand over Jaemin's. Jaemin looks at him intently. 

 "J-jaemin, I l-love you." It almost sounded like a whisper. He felt that the weights on his shoulder were lifted, but his heart was heavy. He hid his face in his palms when Jaemin didn't respond. Crying softly. Jaemin couldn't believe it, he was hearing it with his own ears, even though Donghyuck had already told him earlier. It seems so unreal. He was so mesmerized.

 "Jeno, Jeno, Jen. Baby." He whispers, trying to pry Jeno's palms away from his face. "Look at me." He said the elder did. "I love you too." He kissed the elder in a warm, tight embrace. He gave Jeno a kiss on the temple, on both of his cheeks, on the bridge of his eyes, on the mole, even the elder's tears. Jeno smiles, eyes turning into a crescent. 

"Jaemin, I love so so so much." He announced, confidence lingering in his tone. Jaemin smiled too, "Me. I love you Na Jeno." Fingers tracing Jeno's jaw, tilting it upward. He pressed his lips to Jeno's. It's warm and soft. Jeno's arms are loosely wrapped around the younger's neck. 

Jaemin pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. After months of proclaiming his eternal, evergreen love for Jeno, Jaemin finally got an answer.

a/n: TT

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