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Jeno's nervous. Tomorrow he'll start a new chapter on his life with Jaemin. He knows after this, things wouldn't be the same. Jeno couldn't sleep properly the night before. Even if his lids were already droopy, feeling tired and all, but his brain says otherwise. He kept having anxious thoughts. Jeno tried watching funny cat videos to help himself relax, but it didn't work.

He sighed in frustration, he lost count on how many times he already did that night. After hours of waiting, he eventually drifted off to sleep. The sun wasn't even rising when he was woken up by the knocks on his door. He groaned, half-asleep, not wanting to be disturbed. He shifted from his position, tightly clinging into his bolster pillow. 

Mrs. Lee carefully closes the door behind her, Mr. Lee following her. The footsteps were gentle against the wooden floor. Jeno felt the mattress dipped on his side. "Jaemin?" He murmured, eyes still tightly shut oblivious of his parents' presence. Mrs. Lee bites her lips, trying her best not to let out a giggle. She pinched Mr. Lee's arm lightly when his foot stumbled upon the side table while he's holding back his laugher. 

The noise it made was enough to snap him out of the confines of his sleep. Jeno blinks a few times, adjusting his vision. Jeno rubs the heels of hands through his face, yawning in process. "Mama? Papa?" Mrs. Lee only smiled at him, while Mr. Lee gave him a thumbs up. Jeno quickly embraced his parents into a tight and warm hug. He couldn't help but be a little emotional. It's been a while since he last saw them. His eyes were glistering with tears, he freed himself from the tight hug. When he faced them, he couldn't help but cry. He lowered his head as his tears began to fall. 

 "Jen, sweetie what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see us?" Mrs. Lee asked, rubbing circles into Jeno's back. Jeno sniffed, wiping his tears dry with the sleeves of his shirt. "I'm beyond happy. . ." He sniffed again, lifting his head up to meet their gaze. He smiled softly. 

"I'm just really nervous. I kept having anxious thoughts before our wed-". Jeno gasped in realization, his eyes widened. "Today's my wedding!" He exclaimed, letting out a shriek. He buried his face into his palm, embarrassment washing over him. Thanks, Na Family for having a soundproof room. If the room wasn't, he would have disturbed everyone's sleep. 

 "Awww, our baby is embarrassed. There's no need too." Mrs. Lee cooed, shaking her head when inappropriate thoughts crossed her mind. Jeno rolled into the mattress, a little too much, falling off the bed. He winced in pain when he landed on his back. Mr. Lee was quick to help his son. "Jeno be careful!" She scolded him once he back on his seat. He teasingly smiled, sticking his tongue out at them. Mr. Lee smacked his shoulder. 

"Ouch Papa." He rubbed his shoulder gently. "I can believe our baby is getting married today, even earlier than your cousin Taeyong." He imagined his cousin being whinny and sulking if he ever heard that. He giggled. 

 "Jeno, our lovely son, take good care of yourself and Jaemin. Always be good no matter what." His father advises, squeezing his palm lightly. He leaned his head into his father's shoulder. "Do you like Jaemin, sweetheart?" Mrs. Lee asked out of nowhere, eyes pleading for an answer. Jeno nodded his head lightly. 

Mrs. Lee squealed like a teenager. Mr. Lee flicked her forehead, earning a scowl. "Whatever. . ." She rolled her eyes at her husband. "I love you, my lovely beautiful son." Pressing a kiss on his cheeks. Mr. Lee pouted. "How about me?" He said, a finger pointing on his right cheek. "Aw, that's cute. But no, you'll get none." Jeno laughs at his father. Mr. Lee sighed in defeat, rubbing his nape awkwardly. 

 -- "Jenjen!" Mrs. Na rushed into Mrs. Lee's side the moment she stepped inside the room. Mr. Na was standing on the doorway seemingly waiting for Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee clears his throat, excusing himself, joining Mr. Na. "Good morning aunty." "Morning Jenjen, did you sleep well?" Mrs. Na asked. Jeno nodded his head. Mrs. Na handed him a small rectangular box with a ribbon on top of it. "Open it." 

Mrs. Na instructed. Jeno carefully pulled the ribbon off, opening it. "This is beautiful! Thank you so much, Aunty!" He exclaimed, the box slipping off of his grasp, landing on the wooden floor. Jeno quickly picked it up, wincing when he felt pain on his lower back. Mrs. Lee nudged Mrs. Na when she saw her blushing. She must have thought of something inappropriate. 

 "Thank you so much for this!" Jeno waves the box on Mrs. Na. She gave her a necklace, with a diamond pendant. "You're always welcome Jenjen." She ruffled his hair, smiling brightly at him. Mrs. Lee clears her throat, shoving her gift into his son. It was neatly wrapped and weighed almost nothing. 

Mrs. Lee adjusted her eyeglass, grinning ear to ear. Jeno gave his mother a weird look. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Na exchanged glances. Mrs. Na shook her head in disbelief, biting her lips to prevent herself from grinning. "I'll open it now." Jeno carefully unwraps it. Regretting his actions right away. 

"Mama!" He whined, his whole face was crimson red. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Na laugher filled the entire room, making Jeno more embarrassed than he already is. 

 "It's okay sweetheart, you and Jaemin will need it anyway." Mrs. Lee snorts, earning another round of laugher from Mrs. Na. She laughed so hard, her lashes began to wet. He hides the BOXES of a condom on his dresser, pilling his clothes to cover it.   

a/n: hi guys!!! 

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