Chapter 4 - "This is our bush now"

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One took the pencil and drew the world and the other took the crayon and coloured in life - Anon

One took the pencil and drew the world and the other took the crayon and coloured in life - Anon

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It had been 2 months since Draco started to talk to Harry and he was loving every minute of it, they always 'studied' together and hung out during school. Having lunch at the thinking bush was the new normal and as much as Harry wouldn't admit it he loved having Draco there.

It has been a long time since he felt cared for genuinely by someone. That someone didn't give up on him even when he pushed them away. Someone who believed in him.

"Koala I brought you lunch," Draco called happily as approached the bush, he was carrying a bag full of snack so it could hardly be called lunch.
"I've got Doritos and- shit," his happy demeanour vanished when he heard his favourite person crying,

"Harry? what's wrong?" Draco placed the bag of snacks down quickly and moved beside Harry.

"Nothing," he sniffed forcing a smile,

"You don't have to act strong all the time Harry, you know you can talk to me right tidge? I know there is something up," Draco asked taking Harry's hand in his and holding it softly.

"I worry about you Harry, I hate seeing your unmentioned scars and watch you gradually struggle to eat. It hurts me as someone who cares about you. . I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid, so please Harry as your friend tell me what's wrong, please" Dracos eyes held sincerity and hope.

He was searching for answers in Harry's eyes and so Harry decided to give it to him in words , he did trust him and he was confident he wouldn't betray him so for the first time ever he finally answered the question he never answered to anyone.

"My parents died when I was a baby. They were murdered by this guy who hated my parents. Making me an orphan," he tried to clam his shaking hands, finding comfort in Draco's

"you're ok," Draco said coaxing Harry along.

"I was sent to live with the only family I had left, my aunt, uncle and cousin. Who all hated my parents making them automatically hate me. When I turned five they started to make me do house chores for them and every time I made a mistake they would... um.. he...," Harry looked down suddenly rethinking what he was saying. Locked memories spewing out all of a sudden.

"It's fine you don't have to continue," Draco added as Harry paused

"No, I've already started anyway,"


Harry took a deep breath.

"It only got worse as I got older; they had to stop me going to school because people were getting suspicious of how skinny I am and the fact I had a new bruise or cut every day. When I was eleven I started to got to school again as I started to wear light makeup to school to cover up the bruises which is  why Dudley started to bully me at school and it didn't help that I was also bisexual. I am constantly told how I'm a freak and I'm worthless and I'm not going to lie I've actually started to believe it,"

Draco held Harry's hand as he started shaking

"Why can't anyone love me?Can't I just be selfish for once and want this one things?  why is it that everyone is allowed to happy? why is it that all the people I love are all gone?... they are all gone,"

By now Harry was full-on crying and Draco had let one or two tears slip and if there was one thing Draco doesn't do, it was crying. Draco never cries. But seeing someone he cared for so deeply breaking down, he could help but want to break down too.

"Oh pumpkin I'm so sorry I should have done something,' the blonde said hugging the smaller boy." I noticed and all this time I said nothing, I could have done something,"

"don't blame yourself Draco you helped me a lot. Suddenly life didn't seem as dark as I always thought it was," Harry smiled softly through his tears looking at the blonde gratefully.

"so you actually like my puns?" He asked trying to lighten the mood.

"don't get ahead of yourself now Draco," Harry switched out of his sappy mode and put his teasing horns back on

They both laughed, with one another, not caring if anyone could hear them.

They stayed for a while just hugging one another like they can't be without one another.

Harry quickly shifted when he realised what he was doing, clearing his throat. He got a bit too carried away, in this clips 9 type moment.

"I don't even like hugs anyway," he said awkwardly

"Don't lie to my face harry I know you love it," Draco said hugging harry again. "why were you so afraid to tell me anyway?"

"well, I wasn't sure how you would take it you are like the first person I've ever told," Harry shrugged thinking about it deeply.

"awe, Tidge you flatter me am I really that special to you" Draco smirked squishing Harry's cheeks making him frown

"shut up,"

" How refreshing, you love me really,"

"so you ok with me being bi?"

"Harry I don't know if you noticed but I am as straight as a bendy ruler,"

"Why do I even let you near my bush anyway?"

"oh, darling this is our bush now,"

"Since when?"

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