Chapter 21 - "Its snowing!"

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Don't eat snow,from the ground.


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It was late December and the pair had been let off school for Christmas. Harry got up quietly and looked out the window only to see millions of little snowflakes falling gracefully and merging on to the ground.

Dracos POV

I woke up to a mass on top of me shaking me violently naturally I was panicked.

"Whats wrong? Is there a fire?!" I shouted.
My eyes focus to see Harry straddling me beaming brightly. "No silly look outside," I looked out the window to see a white blanket of snow coasting the land. "Seriously Harry thats what you almost gave me a heart attack for," I laughed Harry was serioulys a child. "Come on let's go outside!"
I groaned and pulled the covers over my head
"Maybe later?"
"But I want to go now," he pulled the covers off me and pouting slightly.
'Please Dwaco you be my betest fwiend,' he made his eyes somehow larger and it killed me.(h)

"Why you gotta be so cute?" I said pulling my self out of bed.

"Yayy thank you let's go," he grabbed my hand pulling me away into my wardrobe.

"Harry we have to get changed first," I said glancing at our pjs

"Oh yeah right,"

After five minutes I managed to put on a grey hoodie,black jeans , snow boots a black coat, a green hat and a green scarf .

"Harry what's taking you so long?" I knocked on his door waiting for him to open it. I turned away waiting on my phone.

I heard the door open and I turned around to see my boyfriend waddling towards me like a penguin. I had to stop myself from snorting with laughter. He looked ridiculous.

"I ready," he said but it was a bit muffled by the scarves.

"Harry we're going in the snow not the artic tundra you can take a few layers of,"

"Ok," he said waddling back to his walkin wardrobe. What a child.


We raced downstairs and opened the doors to my colossal garden. "Isn't it beautiful Harry?"There was no reply. "Harry?"

Suddenly I felt a cold sensation go down my back.

"Holy shit,"I heard Harry giggling uncontrollably behind me. I shivered as the cold snow went down my back. "Oh you are so dead!" I yelled chasing after Harry who was giggling while running away

"You'll never catch me, you may be good at swimming but not running!"He wasn't wrong and for someone as short as Harry he sure was fast.ok I admit he wasn't that shirt but still he is to me. Not that I'll ever tell him they though.
I caught up to him and grabbed him making us both fall into the snow.

"You're so annoying Harry," I panted
"No you're too boring," he replied poking my shoulder,

I put our foreheads together and our noses touched. "You lucky I can't get mad at you," he leaned forward and pecked my lips. "Lets go build a snowman,"

He quickly stood up and started scooping up snow in heavy masses.


"I want to put the carrot on,"Harry squealed as he grabbed the carrot from my hand and aggressively stuck it on the snowman. I rolled my eyes and stood next to him admiring our work. Harry yawned after a while indicating that he was tired
"Harry are you sleepy?" I said looking at him. I swear I had heart eyes .

"No I'm wide awake," he said trying to stifle another yawn.

I picked him up and carried him back to the house. As I picked him up he he placed his head in my shoulder tiredly
When we got back to the manor I made two hot chocolates with marshmallows and cream and gave one to a very sleepy Harry. I wasn't surprised Harry was not a morning person and he got up around six am this morning and now it was eight am.

Halfway through his hot chocolate he started to fall asleep. I quickly grabbed his mug and placed it on the coffee table. I lay down so Harry could lay on top of me, I threw a blanket on top of us and pulled him closer.
"You're warm,"he whispered gently hugging me tightly.
I kissed his rosy nose and closed my eyes.

"I love you Draconis,"he said before falling asleep

"I love you too Hazza," I said slipping into a deep slumber

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