Chapter 22 - "Prom?"

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Harry's POV

Draco has told me to meet him in the canteen instead of him picking me up from class which was strange but I didn't question it. I just finished an hour of chemistry with Mr Snape, which diminished my mood greatly.

I opened the doors to the canteen to see Draco in all his glory standing on a table. It was safe to say that I was very confused. This was a bit suspicious.

I moved into the canteen further slowly, looking around at the many pairs of eyes that we're transfixed on me. Did I need to transfer schools? What did I do?

"Heyyy guyyys, " I let out weakly clasping my hands together.

I jumped as of nowhere music started playing and Draco, who was still standing on the table, started dancing I was NOT prepared for that. The thing is he was really good. He was also dancing to one of my favourite songs 'Locked out of heaven'

I'm eyes scanned around the dancers, quickly realising that Theo, Blaise, Cedric, Ron, Dean, Seamus, Crabbe and Greg we're dancing as well. I couldn't lie, they slayed. BTS has some competition

My eyes redirected to Draco once again, he looked like he was having the time of his life. I laughed as he winked and blew a kiss at me, which I caught playfully.

A girl with blonde hair twirled towards me and placed a flower crown on my head, Luna , man this was a lot.

Holy shit he's amazing. I thought but if I was impressed before I was very impressed now. He did a fucking aerial of the table.

A girl with blonde hair twirled towards me and placed a flower crown on my head. Bubbles flew around from machine and I wanted to die of embarrassment.

This was way to much for one person.

By now everyone had their phones out and was recording. I would have too, this was like a fucking carnival, people with banners twirled in arranging themselves.

He finished in the splits as the banner arragened themselves fully making me fully aware of what this was about.

"Harry," he called snapping me from my trance.
"Do you want to go to prom with me?" his chest rose and fell quickly, clearly out of breath.

I wanted to cry, run, scream and fall to the ground all at the same time. My hands flying up to my face to touch my red cheeks.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, wouldn't it be funny if I just said no?

"Yes, I would love that quite a lot," I ran and jumped onto him. He picked me up clearly very happy,

"He said yes!" He cheered causing other people to cheer with him. Almost making the ambiance like a football match.

"I love you Harry," he said into my ear.
"I love you too," I replied.

He was officially the best boyfriend in he history of boyfriends.He broke the chart with the amount of Boyfriend points he just gained.

The crowd dispersed slowly and the group walked over to us,

"So when we got start rehearsing for the wedding proposal," Blaise taunted

"Man if this is the promposal, imagine the wedding one," Ron added

"He's gonna rent out an island,"

Harry blushed, and thought about it.

Could Draco really stick with me until the end?

Harry was brought out of his thoughts by Balise going down on one knee.

He squealed excitedly while Pansy filmed.

"Theordore Nott, would you do the honour, of going to Prom with me as my Baby Boy?" Blaise held out a box with a cookie in it saying 'Prom?'

Draco  fell over cackling while Harry was also having issues of his own with standing up.

"BLAISIEEE I KNEW YOU WOULD!" Theo shrieked covering his mouthed and jumping up and down. 

"So is it a yes?"

"Yes, YES," Theo fanned his eyes dramatically and took the cookie turning to Ron.

"I accept payment through my Paypal," he sassed

"Come on honeybun," Blaise smiled lifting Theo up Bridal style.

"Lets go Zaddy," he wrapped his hand around Blaise's neck and they walked to their normal table.

"That us the best thing I've seen, in a long time," Draco wheezed recovering from what we just witnessed. In all the years he had known Blaise, that was the most outgoing thing he had ever done.


"Dray? Where did you learn to do an Aerial and the splits," We has got home and  I was still recovering from his promposal. Watching it over and over again. He was literally trending on Instagram, he quickly silenced his phone after the first 100 pings .

"I took contemporary dance classes until high school,"

"Oh that makes sense, and I guess all the 'extra swimming training' was actually learning the dance,' I was slowly piecing things together

"That is correct,"

"I think I just fell in love with you all over again," I said as I flopped on the bed.

"Well you better get ready for prom Harry it is quite soon and we gonna make sure my princess looks beautiful," he moved over to lay on top of me attacking me with kisses.

"I am not a princess," I grumbled

"No matter how many times you say that I'm still gonna call you a princess,"

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