Chapter 10 - "Thank you!"

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Darling you are all I ever wanted love to be - E.S

++++++++No one's POV

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No one's POV

Two hours later Harry woke up in his bed, he carried him up there as he remembered falling asleep on the sofa.

He sat up rubbing his eyes, and looking for his glasses, putting them on and immediately watching the world clear up.

Just then, Draco walked out of the walk-in wardrobe.
"You're awake Hazza, come and see all your new stuff,"he held excitement in his eyes making Harry get up faster than he originally planned.

Harry got out of bed to join Draco, he had to admit he was pretty excited. Draco covered Harry's eyes and led him inside of the wardrobe.

"Ready?" Draco asked happily
"Yup!"Harry was getting more excited by the second.

His jaw immediately dropped. Draco must picked up a lot of extra stuff, what they bought was only a fraction of what was here. Then his face lit up like a kid on Christmas.
There were lots of new t-shirts, jumpers, jeans, ,  trousers, cardigans, hoodies, shirts and lots of accessories such as watches and bracelets.
Harry jumped up and down when he saw the shoes, Harry loved shoes a lot and now he had all sorts from custom air forces, combat boots, vans, Nike and Adidas shoes.

"Let's go change your glasses," Draco smiled guiding Harry to his glasses drawer.

"You got me glasses too!!"

The glasses were just like his black ones just in lots of different sizes and colours there were also a few contact pods too.
"I've always wanted contacts! sometimes glasses get a bit annoying,"

He thought to himself how much trouble all of this must have been, just for him. He had only come into the household yesterday and suddenly owned more clothes than most people had in their entire life. Than he had in his entire life. If the Dursleys saw this now they would go ballistic.

He turned around and hugged Draco.
'Thank you Draco, I don't think I've ever owned this much stuff before! How am I meant to repay you?'

'Take it as all the Christmas gifts you've ever had,"
Harry stood on his tiptoes to kiss Draco.

'What are you doing Harry?' He chuckled.

"I wanted kisses,"he whined(he cringed at himself straight after but persisted, he could be cute sometimes) . Draco lowered his head a bit and kissed Harry passionately. "Better?"
"Much better,"

"Master Draco, your parents would like you and your boyfriend to accompany them for dinner," One of my housekeepers knocked on the door exiting as soon as he came.

'Thank you, we'll be down now,' he left promptly leaving me and Harry

"come on Harry you going to meet my parents,"


Harry's POV

I nodded and followed after him, I could feel butterflies start to build up in my stomach. What if they don't like me? They graciously let me live with them and let Draco get me lots of clothes.

Draco pushes the dining room doors open and held the door open for me
'Thank you,' I whispered and made my way to the table next to Draco who reaches under the table and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

I was scared, they look like serious people. I felt as though I was at a board meeting, about to be asked about the new project I was working on.

"Hello, you must be Harry,"
I made eye contact with the woman with silver hair wound up into a bun, her eyes held the same properties as Draco's reflecting light in the exact same way.

I nodded not really sure what to say,I was terrible at meeting people.

"I... thank you f.. for letting me live here," I mentally cursed at my self for stuttering. I'm cringing at my self badly.

"So Harry were are you from?" A man with long hair  asked, it looked soft, maybe he would let me touch it?

"I'm not really sure I don't know a lot about my heritage," I said trying not to think about my parents too much. "I thinks I'm half British half Scottish though,"

They nodded simultaneously as though I said something amazing.

"How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" She looked at me with kind eyes placing a rinsed hand on mine gently.
"17 I'm going to be 18 in July although I look like a 14-year-old,"
This made them laugh a bit, ok we were doing better,

"Well, I'm Narcissa and this is Lucius, you seem like a charming boy and we are glad to have you in our home," she smiled patting my shoulder softly.

"Right, if you need anything we are happy to help,"

"Do tell us if that one gives you any trouble,"


"I'll be sure too Mrs Malfoy," I smirked looking over at Draco who was playfully sulking.

"Please, Narcissa is fine,"

The food arrived and I relaxed slightly, something to keep my hands busy. Clinking was all that could be heard for a while until Lucius spoke up placing his cutlery down and leaning on his hands.

"So... um, Harry, do you have any hopes for the future?"

"Yes, I want to become a vet, I.. um ... really love animals,"
They both nodded approvingly.

"Well you'll be glad to know that we have a rabbit called Hogwarts,"

"Really?! Dray ! how come you never said?" Harry asked in disbelief

"I forget he's there to be honest," he said sheepishly

"And yet he begged for a rabbit for weeks,"

"We are going there straight after dinner,"

"Yes Sir," he joked turning back to his plate.
The rest of Dinner was more comfortable and I did tell them about the Dursley's, if felt right to, they said that they would any thing in their power to get the justice I deserve.I was grateful for them, they were great people. They might look scary but Draco was really to have such good parents by his side all the time.

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