Chapter 16 - "Wake up"

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As the earth crumbles to the ground and comes to a stop, it's you that i lie with - Anon

As the earth crumbles to the ground and comes to a stop, it's you that i lie with - Anon

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Draco's PoV

1 broken limbs
5 stitches
A chance he wouldn't wake up

I always thought that the doctor coming in with a clip board and telling you everything you didn't want to head was a myth only to be seen in movies.

I was wrong, I wish I was right, there was something about someone reading out a list with everything you were afraid of, that was so patronising and heart wrenching.

That's why we'll I was told to go in, I was tempted to ask if they had anything for a broken heart. How was I supposed to sleep again knowing that he might not be there for as long as I anticipated.

I wasn't ready to let go of him yet.

I stared at my boyfriend on the hospital bed holding his hand. The only indication of his presence being the constant beeping from marching that were winding round the bed in wires. As I witnessed his state properly, I was struggling to believe that he would be ok.

I looked around the room to see the sad faces of my friends. Ron was holding Hermione, Theo was crying while Blaise busted hugged him close to his chest looking very numb. Pansy was sitting down on the floor messily looking up at the lined ceilings and Cedric stood there lifeless.

A voice broke out in the silent room.
'We managed to stitch up deep wounds that he had and cast up his arm , however, Mr Potter is in a coma. This is due to a lack of oxygen in the brain . We ran some tests and due to police investigations we discovered that it may have been possible that he was victim of forced drowning, however we found him before it was too late.
he was in we are not particularly sure when he will wake up but we know it won't be too fast as he was in a critical state when he came here but it may take several weeks,' the doctor bowed his head and left giving a sympathetic smile to us.

I started crying all over again, I could believe they don't know when he is going to wake up. I hate her, I hate myself, I hate that it couldn't be me in his position, I hate I couldn't take all the pain away from him.

I looked at his face it was pale a drained of colour and took one of his normally warm hands in mine and held it tightly, I kissing it gently, wishing that this could be a fairytale and it could magically make him sit up and be himself again.

'Please wake up Harry I need you so badly,' I said quietly wiping tears off my face laying my head gently on him listening to his heart beat pound against his chest.


After visiting hours, I went home reluctantly. Dragged home by my parents who flew back from Spain to be there.
Hours spent staring at my sunshine thinking as bout every single moment we spent together.

I just wanted to hold his hand, feel his lips on mine and now I'm not sure I ever will feel that again. I tried to assure my self that I was being dramatic. However, there was a very small resources available to barricade off the tsunami of emotions than I was feeling.

I walked straight to his room, engulfed immediately in his scent, everything reminding me of him. I didn't sleep at all. How was I too sleep again?

It wasn't long before the next to days passed. No sense of direction pumped through me, just numbness. I wasn't hungry,tired,thirsty...
I just felt so broken to even care.
I only felt one feeling. And that was to kill Astoria.
Every time I thought about it, it seemed to make more and more sense. However, I wouldn't be able to live with myself for that. She was kind of family after all, even if she was insane.
If you kill a killer- the amount of killers will still stay the same. And so it would make no difference if I killed her not.

It wouldn't bring Harry back

It wouldn't reverse what happened

And the more I thought about it that way- I guess I felt less livid, careful not to let my emotions get the better of me.

"Honey?"my mother walked in placing a tray by my beside.

I turned to face her, trying to forced the corners of my mouth to turn upwards. She walked over climbing under the cover and hugging me.

I can't rennet the last time my mum hugged me like this, it must have been when I was very little and had a nightmare. I guess this was kind of like a nightmare , just a real life one.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be silly Draconis, there is nothing you could have done, so please don't blame yourself darling,"

She whispered caressing the back of my head and kissing the top of it softly.

"Sometimes things happen for a reason, and sometimes the universe can feel like it is completely unreasonable, but that's life I'm afraid, and it sucks. But it sucks more when you try to do it alone,"

"I love you," I whispered softly looking at my mum gratefully.

"I love you more than you know too Draco," she brought warm hands to my cheeks and swiped at the tears that were trying to escape from the captivity of my eyes.

"Now cookies?" I asked trying my best to cheer up.

"Fresh from the oven,"


Hey, how yall doin?

Man writing sad chapters is hard!
Like how do you make it sad enough?
Anyway ...
Who do you think shouldn't have died in the Harry Potter movies?

As always


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