Chapter 7 - "Im gonna what?"

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I'm where you should be, You're where I should be, Cuz I'm your home - Seventeen (Home)

I'm where you should be, You're where I should be, Cuz I'm your home - Seventeen (Home)

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No one's POV

It was lunch soon enough, meaning Draco and Harry had to split because Draco had a swimming meeting to take place before their next competition.

"I'm going to miss you soooo much," Draco whined, hugging(killing) Harry who rolled his eyes.

"We are going to apart for an hour, it not long Dray,"

"you wouldn't get it, Are you saying you aren't going to miss me?" Draco gasped

"i never said that,"

"I'm filling for a divorce,"

"We aren't even married Draco," Harry deadpanned looking at this giant man child pouting in front of him.

" We could be one day,"

"Bye Draco, you're going to be late,"

"ugh, fine bye princess," he sighed dramatically stealing a sudden kiss from Harry and skipping down the Hallway before he could react.

What an adorable, weirdo.

"So when were we going to be informed?"

Harry jumped turning around to meet Theo's eyes. "Haha, it's crazy right?" Harry chuckled awkwardly. he didn't really think about how he is going to tell Draco's friends.

"Mhmm, doesn't matter y'all are cute," He smiled grabbing Harry's arm and dragging him towards the Canteen.

"HEY PANSY!" he yelled moving over to the table he often saw Draco sitting at.

"HEY BITCH" she yelled back motioning for him to come over.

Harry was not prepared. Was he supposed to think of a speech or maybe formally greet them? 'Hey my name is Harry, nice to meet you!' this may be crazy but I'm dating your best friend! he rehearsed in his head running through different scenarios nervously.

"EVERYONE, I have some news, Harry and Draco have finally got their shit together and started dating!"

"THEO, NO what if they wanted to tell us themselves!" Pansy scolded.

"I'm afraid I didn't think that far," he muttered scratching the back of his head.

"No, you don't think, kinda hard to if you don't have a brain too," Blaise said strolling up to the table and sitting down.

"Blaise no need to be so harsh I'm sure he didn't mean to," Hermione reassured Theo who was starting to rethink his life decisions.

"Sorry mate, We're happy for you two though," Ron spoke up acknowledging Harry who was standing there very scared by the encounter.

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