Chapter 11 - "Hmph"

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Even if we see eachother for a split second, it means the world to me - always

Even if we see eachother for a split second, it means the world to me - always

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"Get you head out of my lap weirdo,"
Harry was trying to lay in Draco's lap but Draco was trying to do his biology work.
"I want attention," This made Draco laugh, normally this situation was the other way around.

"you know you really ought to feel sorry for me, I try to be the best loving boyfriend I can and this how I get treated, with such cruelty and disrespect," Harry concluded dramatically putting his arm of his forehead to extra effect

"Harry you literally call me an idiot every day," Draco resumed, well tried. When Harry wanted to be a dream king there wasn't much reason.

"See you're still defending playing the victim, so low Draconis Malfoy to think you said that you loved me, shameful," Harry scoffed dramatically once again folding his arms and facing Draco.

'You look like an angry little elf,' Draco chuckled

"I do not!" Harry gasped placing a hand on his chest.

"Harry I already told you that I have to finish my essay, it is due tomorrow," Draco said finally realising he was getting distracted.

'But I'm more important,' he smiled pulling Dracos arm softly to see if it would sway him.

Draco looked at him in disbelief and decided to ignore him until he left him alone.

"Draco...draco? Don't you dare ignore me!" Harry sighed knowing he lost the fight. He put his hood up and turned away from Draco.
"Fine I'll be in my room, alone, crying, desolate,"

no response

"ugh this is hopeless,"

Draco shook his head and continued working.Harry was cute but he sure was dramatic.

"Alright, Harry I'm finished," Draco said walking in to Harry's room.

"Draco I can't believe you still think you have the audacity to ignore me and then walk in here like you did nothing? the nerve!"

"I really can't see what I did wrong," Draco moved over to Harry who was on the bed sprawled out.

"You ignored me,"he pouted as he was bear hugged.

"Yes because you wouldn't leave me alone," Draco said placing soft kisses everywhere he could reach.


"Harry please forgive me please," Draco said looking at him with puppy eyes. Harry smirked slowly enjoying their playful argument, but since Draco was on top of him as kissing him relentlessly. He decided it was the end.

"I'll forgive you this time,"

"Ha whos in control now" Draco smirked

"You do realise you lost many boyfriend points for this," Harry joked.

"What why, I'm sorry," Draco gasped "I'll take you on a date?"he already wanted to anyway.

"Fine but we are not on good terms ok?"

"Yes sir," Draco saluted

"You look so stupid when you do that," Harry snorted


"Harry come on let's go outside," Draco pulled Harry  up from where he was sat with Hogwarts the rabbit  in the conservatory.

"Why it's dark?" He questioned placing the rabbit back into his cage carefully.

"just come mini- muffin,"

Draco blindfolded Harry and led him outside to his favourite spot in the garden,

"I could scream that you are kidnapping me right now," Harry laughed

"But you wouldn't because its a surprise," Draco said laughing although he was secretly worried

"try me," Harry smirked

Draco stopped and took off harry's blindfold to reveal a fort.

"awe cute," Harry said crawling inside the fort to see fairy lights and pillows of all colours with massive fluffy blankets, Draco's laptop was open with Netflix replayed on the screen. there was also pizza on a shoebox or a makeshift table

"we are star gazing tonight and then we can just chill in here until tomorrow,"

"ok you did good, you are fully forgiven,"


" but don't get too comfortable I can still deduct points,"

"of course you can love,"

Harry decided that be loved the movie Encanto. The songs , the culture , the animation. It reminded him why he loved Disney so much.

But of course, he realised for the first time that he didn't just like Draco.

He loved Draco.

His personality made Harry weak.Caring more for him that he even does about himself. Random words of confirmation.Amazing visuals. Good morals.

Draco was every Harry wanted in a person.

And he knew that he would muster up enough courage to finally tell Draco he loved him.

One day.

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