Wildest Dream

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Oh this brings my day happiness as i fan girl silently to myself :p

France what's your wildest fantasy and would you act it out? Not there though this show IS rated PG-13


France read over the question and thought...and thought...and thought.

"Answer it already!" I yelled at him.

"Ah~! I got it!" he shouted victoriously. "I would take the love of my life and fly to the moon~! There, we would sip wine and have a picnic while watching the earth rotate slowly. We would sleep together and live on the moon for a while~," he said, smiling satisfied with his answer.

I laughed slightly. "And how would you breath?" I asked.

"That's what makes it wild." He grinned.

I laughed. "Good luck with that!"

"Merci for le question as usual mon ange~!" France said. He was practically bouncing from happiness in his chair.

I typed his answer down. "You're in an unusually cheerful mood," I noted.

"What do you mean? I'm always this happy~," he said.

"What happened~?" I pried, smirking up at him.

France blushed.



"Well~ Angleterre admitted he loved moi to me a few days ago," he said, smiling.

"Awwww~!" I squealed. "That's so sweet!!"

France nodded, smiling still.

"Do you love him too?!" I asked.

"Of course~."

I squealed even louder. "YAY!"

France laughed. "Calm down, mon ami," he said.

"No! It's just too awesome!" I said.

Prussia poked his head in. "You called?" he asked, smirking.

"No! Get out!"

Prussia pouted and slunk out.

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