Why I Hate Marley

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Most people really like Marley, but for some reason she makes me want to stab out my eyes and puncture my nostrils. So, I spent some time thinking about why I so desperately despised her.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be irl friends with someone like Marley. She's genuinely really kind and talented, but has her own personal flaws that make her real.

But like, her character is boring as hell. If Marley had a flavor, she'd taste like room-temperature water. Television shows are supposed to be entertaining — not realistic — and she just doesn't flatter me as a fun character to watch.

So yes, Marley is fairly realistic and has a wonderful personality, but she's not the type of character that's suitable for a television series circling around tons of drama and wack. With how problematic and crazy the show usually is, having a character like Marley can get really boring.

And also she smiles way too much— it genuinely annoys me. Nobody should show that much teeth all the time.

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