Crisscolfer grrr i hate it

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Stop shipping CrissColfer please omg 😔😔💔

The fact that a rumor went around saying that Chris put a restraining order on Darren and that fact that people actually believed it is depressing.

Like y'all no they're just uncomfortable being around one another anymore because all of the absurd CrissColfer fans disregarding their personal lives and sexualities 🤠👍

Overall I find it rude and disgusting to ship living, non-fictional people together in the first place. Why?

1) It pressures people into staying in relationships and having the fear of getting out of one.

2) It makes the people being shipped uncomfortable and like they can't make any decisions for themselves

3) It heavily expands toxic relationships based on the fact that they're scared to get out of a relationship, even if it's a necessary situation where they need to leave

4) Their real/new partner will literally receive so much hate guys like omg have you seen Mia?? I don't know much about her but she gets teared down constantly

And I'm not saying it's everyone but like,, to those of you that comment "I'd rather see you with Darren/Chris" on either of their posts, shut the fuck up 😍

Because of you guys they're barely even friends anymore— they had potential man. They could've been unstoppable like,,

Idk it makes me kinda sad. Like honestly be friends with whoever you want idc but it's the fact that they departed BECAUSE of the ship that upsets me so much. They had such good chemistry throughout the entire show and y'all took it too far.

Like you can think that two people would be cute together like "oh yeah I can picture it happening, that'd be sweet" but don't hardcore ship it, k? If I were a celebrity I would dread the force of people pressuring me to be with someone I have no wish to be with.

Okay but that's just my opinion 😚🤚 Have a good dayyy

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