Klaine kisses i am not creepy

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They kiss 21 times (cheek pecks not included) throughout the whole show 😃 which honestly seems very little to me even though that's more than I'll ever kiss anyone

If they're like anyone in my school (pre quarantine) they would've kissed at least 20 times in between classes

But like honestly what happened to them. I liked their hugs because it showed the friendship side of Klaine too, but kisses 🥺 and hand holding 🥺🥺 and "I love you"s 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Anywho my evaluation:

Season 1)
0 kisses boo

Season 2)
2 kisses

Season 3)
2 kisses wtf?? That's so little oml and they freaking lost their virginities in this season?? I would've expected more grr

Season 4)
5 kisses and they were broken up most of the time.. which doesn't sit right with me idk

Season 5)
7 kisses haha yea

Season 6)
5 kisses weee (the first elevator "kiss" didn't count because their lips didn't actually touch)


Yeah I hate that I thoroughly remember all of this but yknow. I'm tired and attention deprived and just reall like Klaine for whatever reason. #IAmEmbarrassedThatKlaineIsMyOtpBecauseTheyAreSoProblematicButYknow

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