Remember Me

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We live our lives
Then one day die
But are we truly dead
If they remember

We live on
Through their memories
The ones we walked with
When we were alive

The ones we called friends
The one we called family
The ones we loved
Throughout this journey of life

But what if...
What if I'm forgotten
What if I'm just dirt in their brains
Like the grave i rest in

What if I'm not memorable
Is it too much to ask for
Will you mourn when I die
Will you keep me in mind

I don't want to cause pain
Just to be remembered
No one wants to be forgotten

Sleepless nights, thinking
About everyone
Will they remember me
Will they even care if I'm gone

Do I make an impact in lives
Anything for anyone
Or am I just a side character
An extra that comes and goes

Do you feel my presence
When I'm standing amongst you
Maybe you do
And my thoughts are far from true

When I'm gone and you think of me
Don't cry and mourn, just smile
knowing I'm happy from the small act

Of Remembrance

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