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I look back at the younger me
Constantly looking down on him
Made so many mistakes
Like what are you doing for god sakes

Hatred of myself projected on him
The way he walked
The way he talked

Putting him down for his style
Putting him down for his stupidity
For all the times he lied
For all the times he cried

These aren't just jokes to poke fun
But to feel better about the person I've become
Hoping if my younger self saw me now
He would be somewhat proud.

But what if my future self thinks highly of me
What if he doesn't look down on me

I want to be a memory
Of when times weren't as good
I want to be a memory
That makes him think, Why?

I hope he talks down on me
And puts me down for my time in college
With my lack of knowledge
For the times I lied and the times I cried

For the things I feared, For the things I geared
towards. He'll look down at my jealousy
And he'll look down at my fantasy.

For if he thinks highly of me
It just shows my lack off


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