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It's just another day
And I just feel grey
But life's going good
Then why do I feel this way

The sky's blue, the sun's out
I'm sitting outside in the mild heat
The grass, the flower
So why do I just feel so sour?

So many things to do
But I don't want to
Could be having fun
But what is there to do

The colours are disappearing
And demons appearing
Trying to hold them back but they piercing through
But really they don't need to

All these people around me
But I feel so alone
Why is that?
What do I want?
Who do I want?

I know the answer
Is it the wrong answer?
Maybe I'll find a better answer?
It's your phone, you need to answer
Its the question, I have to answer
Is there a right answer?

In this black and white world
Full of things left

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