Cremated Voice

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It's Broken
This filter I created
It was made to get rid of the bad
And keep only the good

Start a conversation
I'll say my minds blank
But it's truly the opposite
There's plenty in the tank

That is until the filtering begins
What needs to be said, What doesn't?
But then I think all could have been said
But it wasn't

The liquid taken out and the solid was good
But the filter widened and so even the good could
Get taken away and never be said. But what led
To this filter being created in my head.

It doesn't need to be planned
It doesn't need thought
Then why do I sit here
With everything overthought

Drop the filter, It's overused
Say what's on your mind
Don't worry if it's not always kind
Look deep and see what you can find.

Turn off the filter
Turn on your voice
Stop undermining all your thoughts
They need to be heard

It's broken
The filter I created
Now I sit in silence

My voice, cremated...

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