Withered Wings IV

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I see the others

With bodies like a Spartan
With their mind more open
With their heart less broken
Their future more woven

Their wings less withered then mine
Their speech more in line
Could woo you at any time
Could take care of you when your cryin

Always feel like they're better then me
Could speak mountains bigger then me
I want to hide, I don't want you to see
The big and little flaws in me

Oh let me make the flame burn right
What if another comes that burns more bright
I couldn't even imagine that sight
Of you going to another light

Its all just paranoia in my head
But I can't help but lay in this bed
And indulge everything I'm fed
By my mind.

Looking at this mirror
To spot this beauty you claim to see
While the others fly higher then me
Just want to set my mind free
From these chains of sabotage

To free my brain
From the jealous train
Take the next stop
And never get back on again

Free my wings
From my own expectations
But I don't even try
So what's the point

Oh my flame
Ill try not disappoint

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