Shakles Of Yesterday

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To lie on you
To lie to them
Make more rules
And I'll hide my gem

Dont take it away
Just see it through
But you refuse
So I won't tell you

I'll find love
Oh I'll find lust
They won't know any of it
Oh they won't be fussed

I'm wrapped in their chains
Oh I can't complain
I chose this lane
So let's hop on this train

Get out of town
Get out of here
Who cares what they think
Losing you is my worst fear

Rewrite the rules
Rewrite the stars
Won't be held by these shakles
Yesterday's prison bars

They want to choose who I love?
What a decision
That type of life
I can never envision

Try and suppress my love
But it continues to grow
Oh what would you think
If you were ever to know...

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