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Laying there thinking about things
that could have been
what could it mean.
The words they said
the words you read.
But now that simple thought is over,
and now its more then just a thought.
Now its overthought and now your thinking more about overthinking.
Thinking thoughts going in deeper and deeper.
Your first thought is deep in this hole.
Never ending but you can end it easily though.
Wrong, Overthinking is something you don't want to do
but now your overthinking about your problem of overthinking and it's overdue
They tell you just don't overthink.
They tell you just go to sleep but your on the brink
Of insanity with all these thoughts crossing your mind.
Was what I said too unkind?
Did that person think I lied?
Am I enough?
Do I do enough?
Where will I be in the future?
Is there a future?
Will I die soon?
Will I be remembered?
Do people even like me?
What's wrong with me??
Before you know it your mind is full of tall, tall towers.
and next thing you know you've been up for hours...

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