Not Enough

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When the other clouds produce more rain
When the other stars shine brighter
When the other mountains are much taller
How can I be a fighter

I'll get out every last drop
But it's not enough
I'll try shine brighter then the top
But it's not enough
I'll grow until I stop
But it's not enough

When the other pens produce more ink
When the paper is a better reciter
When the other words make you think
How can I be a better writer

I'll write till I'm out
It's not enough
I'll recite till I burnout
It's not enough
I'll say words you think about
It's not enough

When the other hands are so skilful
When the other arms are bigger
When the other touch is softer
What will be my trigger

I'll learn new skills
It's not enough
Arms will grow till it kills
It's not enough
Tell me how soft it feels
It's not enough

When the other friend is better
When the other guy wins
When the other sons make their parents proud
Living life with no sins

I'll try be even better
It's not enough
I'll try and get her
It's not enough
I'll be a better example setter
It's not enough

When the other brains are more rational
When the other hearts know they're enough
When the other minds are loved
How did I get it more rough

I'll try be more rational
It's not enough
I'll tell myself I'm enough
It's not enough
I'll try to love my mind
It's not enough

Sometimes I try do things right
But they'll still find a way for it to be better
It's like no matter what I do
It will never be good enough
I'll never be good enough
I won't even rhyme this last stanza
Coz even that is

Not enough...

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